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Information Technology
2014 Issue 1
Research on satellite navigation signal integrity
LIANG Jin-yao;,QIAN Liang;,TANG Cong-yi;,XIANG Jiang;
The thermal system design and analysis for axial flux PMSM
WANG Wei;,WANG Zhi-hong;,YANG Fei;
Rocking vibration measurement method based on MEMS
REN Qiang;,SUN Yu-guo;,ZHOU Sheng-liang;
Sobel edge detection algorithm based on odd Gabor filter
DAI Qing;,FENG Dong-hua;,XUE Shuai;,ZHAO Tao;
Research and realization of digital campus platform based on SOA
HAN Xian-yu;,WANG Peng;,ZHAO Bao-hua;
Decoupling of the ADRC in variable air volume air conditioning
FU Dong-xiang;,GU Kai;,WANG Ya-gang;
Design of temperature detection system in colonies selected instrument
DONG Shi-kun;,WANG Ge;,ZHANG Lei;,ZHANG Rong-fu;,ZHANG Xue-dian;
An improved SUSAN corner detection algorithm based on discrete ring-shaped mask
LI Chun;,LIN Xin;,REN Lin;,TANG Jian-gang;
Improvement of the pseudo-random sign sequences in modulated wideband converter undersampling method
CHEN Kun;,LIU Zhi-qiang;,LUO Dong-gan;,ZHANG Bin;
Training Center Management information system development based on maticsoft.NET
SONG Hai-yan;,YAO Hong-zhi;
Study on detection system for appearance quality of cigarette package based on machine vision
JIANG Nian-ping;,SHAO Hui-he;,WANG Ya-gang;,ZENG Wen-yan;
Research on the application of software defined network in electric power data communication network
CHEN Lei;,HUANG Zai-chao;,LIU Chuan;,WU Jun-min;,WU Peng;,ZHANG Gang;
Intuitionistic fuzzy clustering method based on information relative entropy
QU Ke-jun;,XU Wei;,ZHOU Guang-tian;
Technology of node localization in wireless sensor networks
LI Ye;,WANG Ya-gang;,ZHANG Bin-bin;
Development of calibration tool for universal small engine based on LabWindows/CVI
FU Yong-zhong;,LIU Ming-dong;,YANG Huai;
Application of VV&A in target RCS simulation
GAO Bin;,HUANG Chen;
Multi-fault diagnosis expert system diagnosis method of CNC machine tools
CHEN Xiao;,SHEN Bin;,ZHAO Shu-yu;
Design of the intelligent gas pressure instrument based on AVR Atmega16
DING Feng-li;,HE Jian-zhong;,XU Cong-qiang;
Smarter oil & gas fields and smarter cloud data centers
MA Tao;,WANG Hong-lin;,WANG Juan;,XU Zeng-kui;,YAN You-sheng;
Design of network access control system-WebACL
SHEN Jian;
Alarm circuit design and simulation
LI Yue;,REN Xiao-qing;,YANG Guo-zhi;,YANG Hai-ming;
xin xi dong tai
Improvements based on the degree of congestion and energy state of the DSR protocol
MA Jie-liang;,QIU Gan-lin;
Heilongjiang's Internet of things industry development pattern analysis
HUANG Shu;,QU Jia-xing;,YAN Si-jia;
Research on image segment technique based on Kinect
CHEN Lei-yue;,ZHAO Zhi-ping;
Design and implementation of STATCOM monitoring system based on Visual C + +
LAN Dong-qing;,LAN Jing-hao;
A new technology in e-government message transmission based on UDP
MAO Zhi-hong;,OU Jian-lei;,TIAN Da-qing;
Research on the harmonic suppression based on power saver for electric distribution system
FU Nian-xian;,LIU Fei;,MO Qing;,YU Xiao-wei;,ZHU Ya-feng;
Design and application of wireless sensor networks based on 433MHz band
LI Kuai-kuai;,ZHANG Dong;
The average symbol error rate analysis for distributed MIMO antenna systems
PENG Wen-jie;,TIAN Yue-ping;
Risk assessment of power information risk security based on risk matrix
CHEN Tao;,WANG Xu;,YUAN Jia-hang;,ZHANG Jian-ye;
Research and development of high power density LED drive power supply
GUO Shou-jin;,HE Ming;,YANG Hai-yan;
Skype Protocol Analysis and Traffic Identification
DING Yao;,WU Jun-qin;
Nonlinear analysis of parallel Buck converter in AVP control
Motion tracking system and an implementation in teaching & training environment
TANG Ya-feng;,YANG Qing;,ZHANG Zhan-yue;
Simulation study on mobile robot path planning based on improved potential field
SHAN Bao-ming;,ZHOU Pei-pei;
Summary on text watermarking algorithm
CHEN Qing;,LIAN Pan-pan;
For B/S structure of the application system performance testing strategy
LI Zhi-gang;,LIU Xing-yan;
Based on Siemens S7-200PLC bottling machine automatic control
LUO Ji-hong;