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Journal of Systems Engineering
2011 Issue 3
Improved immune algorithm based on Hamming distance and its application in the SAT
FAN Chao-dong;ZHANG Ying-jie
Employing float commission rate to optimize the revenue-sharing mechanism
Solving the vertex p-center problem with a partheno-genetic simulated annealing algorithm
JIANG Jian-lin;XU Jin-peng;WEN Jie
Headway and fare model of urban rail transit for integrated operation
XU Wang-tu;ZHANG Wei;HE Shi-wei;LI Yuan
Interest rate model with jump-mean reverting stochastic mean
FAN Long-zhen;CHENG Nan-yan
Survey of option games approaches to analyze patent investment
CAI Qiang;ZENG Yong
Research on a multiple-period dynamic location model of enterprise logistics centers
ZHOU Ai-lian;LI Xu-hong;MAO Hai-jun
Short-term traffic flow prediction of road network based on chaos theory
DONG Chun-jiao;SHAO Chun-fu;LI Juan;MENG Meng
Fuzzy option contract with jointed advertising investment sharing in a retailer-led supply chain
CAI Hong-wen;CAI Hong-wu;ZHANG Dian-ye
Two-agent scheduling problems with decreasing linear deterioration
LIU Peng;ZHOU Xiao-ye;YI Na
Asset allocation based on a market microstructure model and evolutionary algorithms
GAN Min;PENG Hui;CHEN Xiao-hong