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Journal of Systems Engineering
2001 Issue 4
Coarse measurement and fuzzy information granulation
chen you an ; zheng zuo zuo ; li guang quan
Study of dominance chance-constrained DEA model
zeng xiang yun ; wu yu hua
Integrative dynamic model and control for supply chains
huang xiao yuan ; li bao jia
Generalized Nash managing game model for transit network
zhou jing ; xu zuo
Recurrent T-S fuzzy model in neural networks structure
li xiang ; chen zeng qiang ; yuan zhu zuo
Core and coritivity methods for optimal designs of information intercourse network systems
xu jin ; fei qi ; wang ying luo
Application of rough set to optimization of decision trees
zhao wei dong ; li qi hao
Pricing lookback option under CEV process
xie chi
Improved observer design for Lipschitz nonlinear systems
zhou shao wu ; zhang jing
Robust stability of large-scale interval systems with time-delay
nian xiao hong ; luo da yong ; li ren fa