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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2015 Issue 6
Total-factor energy efficiency calculation and its influencing factors analysis in China
WANG Zhao-hua;FENG Chao;School of Management and Economics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Research on coordination parallel import and price subsidy policy under TRIPS-plus treaty
ZHOU Hua;QU Yang;WEI Li-xia;School of Economics and Management;Tongji University;
Analysis on environmental regulation strategy of local government based on evolutionary game theory
PAN Feng;XI Bao;WANG Lin;School of Management;Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Public Administration and Law;Dalian University of Technology;
Empirical study of multi-period robust portfolio model with behavioral character
LIU Jia-he;JIN Xiu;School of Business Administration;Northeastern University;
Study on the pricing mechanism and fluctuation features for Shanghai Composite Index using information diffusion-based model
LI Zi-ran;ZU Lei;Collaborative Innovation Center for the Innovation and Regulation of Internet-based Finance;Southwestern University of Finance and Economics;China Financial Futures Exchange;School of Management Science and Engineering;Central University of Finance and Economics;
Research on high frequency data forecasting of stock index futures market based on wavelet analysis
LIU Xiang-li;WANG Xu-peng;School of Finance;Central University of Finance and Economics;
Studies on the mathematical model and algorithm of stock-bond portfolio problem
SUN Xiao-jun;ZHANG Yin-li;Institute of Mathematics and Information Science;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xidian University;
Principal-agent model based on dual cost control standards effect
MENG Fan-sheng;ZHOU Yu;School of Economics and Management;Harbin Engineering University;Accounting Department;Liaoning University of International Business and Economics;
Vehicle scheduling problem based on plant growth simulation algorithm
CAO Qing-kui;LIU Xin-yu;REN Xiang-yang;School of Economics and Management;Hebei University of Engineering;
Demand allocation and network flow assignment under emergency rescue circumstance
WANG Hai-jun;LI Bu-hao;LIU Kang-kang;School of Management;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Optimization for pre-positioning emergency supplies problem under fuzzy environment
BAI Xue-jie;College of Science;Agricultural University of Hebei;College of Management;Hebei University;
Improvement of input evaluation for giant projects based on GA-BP neural network
REN Hong;MA Xian-rui;LIU Hua-bing;Faculty of Construction Management and Real Estate;Chongqing University;
Credibility-based multi-objective fuzzy programming problem for low-carbon logistics network design
LI Jin;School of Computer and Information Engineering;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Contemporary Business and Trade Research Center;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
The static network equilibrium model considering the arrival time perceived value
TIAN Li-jun;HUANG Hai-jun;WANG Xin;School of Economics and Management;Fuzhou University;School of Economics and Management;Beihang University;School of Science;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;
Optimization of design structure matrix in complex R&D projects based on rework risk propagation and pretreatment
YANG Qing;SHAN Chen;TANG Er-ling;Dongling School of Economics and Management;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Research on the extract model of virtual knowledge flow in teams based on ontology
LI Bai-zhou;ZHAO Jian-yu;XI Xi;SU Yi;School of Economics and Management;Harbin Engineering University;School of Management;Harbin University of Commerce;
Fuzzy least absolute regression model with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
LI Jun-hong;ZENG Wen-yi;College of Information Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;College of Mathematics and Information Sciences;Hebei Normal University;
The simplified relational axioms and the axiomatic definition of special incidence degrees
WEI Yong;ZENG Ke-fang;College of Mathematics and Information;China West Normal University;
Decision-making method on multiple targets of satisfied and stable two-sided matching considering the preference ordering
LIANG Hai-ming;JIANG Yan-ping;KONG De-cai;School of Business Administration;Northeastern University;
State space partition based optimization of the opportunistic preventive maintenance of two-unit systems
ZHANG Xiao-hong;ZENG Jian-chao;Division of Industrial and System Engineering;Taiyuan University of Science and Technology;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Shanxi Normal University;
Warship spare parts allotment optimization method under multi-constraints
CAI Zhi-ming;JIN Jia-shan;LI Guang-bo;College of Power Engineering;Naval University of Engineering;
A nonlinear model predictive control scheme with variable terminal cost term
GAI Jun-feng;ZHAO Guo-rong;CHEN Jie;Aeronautical Training Base;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Virtual resource provision policy based on elastic reservation mechanism in cloud environments
QU Xi-long;XIAO Peng;BAI Quan;Department of Computer and Communication;Hunan Institute of Engineering;School of Computer Science and Engineering;South China University of Technology;
Evidential reasoning method based on isometric mapping in internet of vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks
WANG Hong-bo;LUO He;LIU Xin-bao;YANG Shan-lin;School of Management;Hefei University of Technology;MOE Key Laboratory of Process Optimization and Intelligent Decision-making;
Attribute reduction algorithm based on relative discernibility ability
GE Hao;LI Long-shu;YANG Chuan-jian;Key Laboratory of Computation Intelligence & Signal Processing of Education Ministry;Anhui University;School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering;Chuzhou University;School of Computer and Information Engineering;Chuzhou University;
Study of the typhoon dynamic risk in Guangdong province with respect to months and early warning
GUO Jun;HUANG Chong-fu;AI Fu-li;State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology;Beijing Normal University;Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management;Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Education;Center for Disaster Management;University of Pittsburgh;
Water quality early-warning model based on support vector machine optimized by rough set algorithm
LIU Shuang-yin;XU Long-qin;LI Dao-liang;College of Information;Guangdong Ocean University;China-EU Center for ICT in Agriculture;China Agricultural University;Beijing ERC for Internet of Things in Agriculture;China Agricultural University;Beijing ERC for Advanced Sensor Technology in Agriculture;China Agricultural University;
Research on floodplain flood loss assessment of the lower Yellow River
ZHANG Xian-qi;ZHANG Hong-yang;LI Ya-min;SUN Dong-po;College of Water Resources;North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power;Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co.;Ltd.;