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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2013 Issue 5
Dynamic portfolio selection for loss-averse investors with wealth constraints
MI Hui;ZHANG Shu-guang
Warrant pricing: B-S vs.CEV
WU Xin-yu;ZHOU Hai-lin;WANG Shou-yang;MA Chao-qun
Mean-variance-entropy fuzzy portfolio selection based on integrated forecast
LI Ai-zhong;REN Ruo-en;DONG Ji-chang
Determine China's business cycle state number and the dimension
TANG Xiao-bin
On dynamic equilibrium model of supply chain networks with time-varying demand
Risk measure method for investment based on RR-EP model
NIU Yan-ying;WANG Zeng-fu
Economic design of VSI control chart for short-run production
ZHANG Peng-wei;SU Qin;WANG Tian-tian
Optimal policy for two-echelon supply chain with deteriorating items and learning effect
XU Jian-teng;BAI Qing-guo;ZHANG Yu-zhong
Impact of sampling on the diffusion of independent product
HU Zhi-neng;LI Biao
Empirical research on fractal feature extraction models of urban land price space system
GENG Bin;ZHU Dao-lin;LIANG Ying
Optimal farmer size in contract farming mode hog supply chain
HU Kai;GAN Xiao-qing
Modularity for community structure in complex networks based on spectral method
ZHANG Cong;SHEN Hui-zhang
Analysis of generalized phased-mission systems reliability based on separable binary decision diagram
CHEN Guang-yu;ZHANG Xiao-min;TANG Xiao-wo
Agent based computational project organization and process model
LU Yun-bo;ZHANG Xin;WANG Hong-li;GU Zhi-ming
α-robust emergency facilities location problems for hazardous materials transportation
ZHONG Hui-ling;ZHUANG Nan;ZHANG Guan-xiang;CAI Wen-xue
Null space pursuit based on three order linear differential operator
XIAO Wei-wei;LUAN Wei-jun;PENG Si-long
Multi-step Kalman filtering travel time estimation method based on simplified road network model
LI Jin-yan;ZHU Zheng-yu;LIU Lin;CUI Ming;LIU Wei
Incident-based traffic congestion control strategies design
ZHANG Ao-mu-han;GAO Zi-you
Motifs and superfamilies in critical infrastructure engineering network
LIU Liang;HAN Chuan-feng;XU Wei-sheng
PSO-SVM method based on elimination of end effects in EMD
BAI Chun-hua;ZHOU Xuan-chi;LIN Da-chao;WANG Zhong-qi
Stochastic traffic assignment model under ATIS and adverse weather conditions
ZHONG Shao-peng;LIN Jin-shan;DENG Wei
Differentiation about the formation mechanism of Chinese construction industry competitiveness under the spatial dimension
LIU Bing-sheng;WANG Xue-qing;CHEN Xiao-hong;ZHANG Shuai