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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2012 Issue 7
Grey convex relation and its properties
WU Li-feng;WANG Yi-nao;LIU Si-feng
Special on-line Bahncard problem and its competitive analysis
YANG Xing-yu;ZHANG Wei-guo;XU Wei-jun
Rank preference optimal ordering method in the multi-attribute decision making
CHEN Chun-fang;ZHU Chuan-xi;HUANG Xian-jiu
Optimal mechanism design in uniform price auction for VC exit
ZHENG Jun-jun;ZHONG Hong-bo;XU Ming-yuan
A method for MADM with normal random variables
JIANG Guang-tian;FAN Zhi-ping
Strategic investment under product differentiation
Lü Xiu-mei;LAI Shao-yong
A practical strategy for secretary problem
YANG Cheng;LUO Xu-bin;CHEN Bin
The impact of foreign trade on CO2 emissions inspired by non-competitive input-output models
LIU Hong-guang;LIU Wei-dong;TANG Zhi-peng
Store within a store selection based on the demand forecast
TENG Wen-bo;ZHUANG Gui-jun
Cost sharing and quality improvement incentives in the products recall considering the linear demand
LIU Xue-yong;XIONG Zhong-kai;XIONG Yu
The effects of RMB exchange rate volatility on foreign exchange reserves
CHEN Lang-nan;HUANG Shou-feng
Learning ontology relations from documents:The concept-feature method
YU Juan;DANG Yan-zhong
Hydrological combined forecasting method based-on vector angular cosine
SHEN Hai;XIE Jian-cang;LI Jian-xun;LI Wei-qian
Effectiveness evaluation method of suggestive information based on video superimposing
GUO Xiao-yi;LAO Song-yang;ZHANG Guo-hua;CHEN Ling-li
Parallel machine scheduling problem with resource dependent processing times
SHI Ye;LI Kai;ZUO Chun-rong
Optimization and proportion analysis of pedestrian-vehicle mixed evacuation based on ant colony algorithm
ZONG Xin-lu;XIONG Sheng-wu;FANG Zhi-xiang
Modeling and simulation of spare parts for the surface-to-air missile weapon system
CHEN Shi-tao;YANG Jian-jun;ZHAO Ying-jun
Measuring the network efficiency and computing the component importance
YU Xiao-jun;HUANG Hai-jun
Optimization of three-echelon inventory project for equipment spare parts based on system support degree
RUAN Min-zhi;PENG Ying-wu;LI Qing-min;ZHANG Guang-yu
Improving quantification theory (Ⅰ) by the semi-tensor product method
WANG Jin;LIU Zhen-bin;WANG Yu-zhen