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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2012 Issue 12
Evaluation method for scientific fund project selection based on two-dimensional semantics information
ZHU Wei-dong;ZHANG Hong-tao;ZHANG Chen;WANG Dong-peng
Spatial discount model in environmental risk perception
SHE Sheng-xiang;LU Qiang;WANG Zhen-quan
Review on the network reliability based on paths
TAN Yue-jin;ZHAO Juan;WU Jun;DENG Hong-zhong;DUAN Dong-li
System dynamics model of construction project risk element transmission
LI Cun-bin;LU Gong-shu
Multi-issue automated negotiation model based on fuzzy qualitative simulation
CHEN Pei-you;LI Yi-jun;GAO Tai-guang
General equalization fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm
WEN Chuan-jun;ZHAN Yong-zhao;KE Jia
Approach for analyzing consensus based on cloud model and evidence theory
ZHOU Jian;ZHU Yao-qin;CHAI Xu-dong;TANG Wei-qing
Cloud service trust models based on the third-party certification
WANG Wen-jing;DU Hui-ying;L(U) Ting-jie
Supporting dynamic intention agreement for authorization delegation in multi-party collaboration
WANG Yuan;SUN Yu-qing;GAO Rong-rui
Trustworthy services discovery based on trust and recommendation relationships
LIU Ying-chun;ZHENG Xiao-lin;CHEN De-ren
Placing replicas under certain QoS restriction using matrix operations
FU Wei;YE Qing;WU Xiao-ping
Underwater targets recognition based on contour moment and modified FCM algorithm
WANG Shi-long;XU Yu-ru;WAN Lei;TANG Xu-dong
Maximum entropy object grouping algorithm based on dissipative structure theory
LI Yun;LAO Song-yang;LIU Gang;WANG Shi
Optimization of crane scheduling in slab yard based on cycle simulation
ZHAO Ning;DU Yan-hua;DONG Shao-hua;LI Liang
Pricing a defaultable claim based on BSSDEs for general jump process
WANG Kai-ming;PAN He-ping;CHEN Wei
Optimal investment strategies for defaultable bond
BIAN Shi-bo;LIU Hai-long;ZHANG Xiao-yang
Insurer's optimal investment strategy under constant elasticity of variance model
RONG Xi-min;FAN Li-xin
Research on farmers' combining mechanism and cooperating business embedded BPO
SHAO Teng-wei;RAN Guang-he;WU Hao
Strategy for supplier's direct delivery to minimize the number of vehicles
YU Hai-yan;XU Yin-feng
Methods to construct logistics operation index and its application
HE Xing-dong;LIU Kai;LU Hua
Slot allocation and dynamic pricing models by two stages for container liner shipping
Model and simulation of coordinated replenishment with alternative supply sources based on CPFR
JI Shou-feng;DONG Kun-xiang;YU Hai-fei;TANG Jin-huan