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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2008 Issue 1
Empirical study of generating scenarios in multi-period financial asset allocation
JIN Xiu;LI Bing-bing;HUANG Xiao-yuan
The research on conflict coordination model and solution for collaborative operations
KANG Kai;ZHANG Zhi-ying;WANG Shi-tong;WANG Yun-feng
The development and improvement on input-output price model
ZHANG Hong-xia
Revenue malmquist index based on utility function
SUN Lin;LI Guang-jin;ZHANG Li
Metropolis-hastings adaptive algorithm and its application
CHEN Ping;XU Ruo-xi
Multi-task coalition parallel generation algorithm based on dimension partition strategy and immunity
SU Zhao-pin;JIANG Jian-guo;XIA Na;ZHANG Guo-fu
The improved ant colony algorithm for the VRPSPD with maximum distance constraint
ZHANG Tao;TIAN Wen-xin;ZHANG Yue-jie;LIU Shi-xin
Model of customer churn prediction on support vector machine
XIA Guo-en;JIN Wei-dong
Study on supply chain coordination of upstream innovation investment when retailers compete
TIAN Wei;ZHANG Zi-gang;LIU Ning-jie
Joint dynamic pricing for two parallel flights based on passenger choice behavior
XIAO Yong-bo;CHEN Jian;LIU Xiaol-ing
Health investment, consumption, and economic growth
The suppressing area computing model of jamming SAR
Study on morbidity problem in grey model
DANG Yao-guo;WANG Zheng-xin;LIU Si-feng