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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2007 Issue 3
An Empirical Study on the Chinese Equity Investment Funds' Efficiency
ZHAO Xiu-juan;WANG Shou-yang
The Vehicle Routing Problems with Transshipment Points
YANG Feng-mei;XIAO Hui-jun
Strategy on Investment and Finance Planning to Improve Town Development Process
LI Wei;ZI Liang;GONG Chao-yan
Time-Cost Trade-Off of Construction Project based on Ant Colony Algorithm
XIONG Ying;KUANG Ya-ping
Estimation of Value-at-Risk Using Pearson IV Distribution
ZHANG Shu-lin;DU Jun-tao
Financial Time Series Forecasting based on Nonlinear Tracking-Differentiator
LIU Feng-gen;WANG Xiao-fang;ZHANG Min
To-Expire-Day Effect of Hard Winter White Wheat Trading in China's Futures Market
WANG Hui-wen;WU Zai-bin;MENG Jie;LI Da-peng
Differential Evolution for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization Using Non-stationary Multi-stage Assignment Penalty Function
WU Liang-hong;WANG Yao-nan;ZHOU Shao-wu;YUAN Xiao-fang
Study on System Identification Method based on Genetic Algorithms
LIU Shuan;TANG Fei
Fault Diagnosis based on Rough Sets Decision Tree Model and Ant Colony Algorithm
ZHENG Xiao-xia;QIAN Feng
The Establishment and Analysis of Monte Carlo Model in Satellite Cost Estimation
YAN Chang-shun;LI Yi-jun
Analysis of Influence Factors on the Efficiency of Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs Problems
LI Hong-wei;YANG Yin-sheng;ZHOU De-qun
Design Alternatives Evaluation of Emergency Bridge by Applying Analytic Network Process (ANP)
SUN Hong-cai;XU Guan-yao;TIAN Ping
Analysis of the Effects of Pricing Power on the Selection of Cooperation Strategies
LI Zhi-wen;LUO Ding-ti;LI Jing-hong
Research Joint Venture Formation Game and the Existence of Equilibrium Structures
SUN Li-hui;XU Yin-feng;WANG Jun