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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2007 Issue 11
On Revised QA-VCG Mechanism in Procurement Combinatorial Auction
Task-Oriented Virtual Enterprise Recurrent Alignment Governance Mechanisms
HU Xin-yue;TANG Yong-li;LI Cong-dong
Differential Game Models of the Vertical Cooperative Advertising
FU Qiang;ZENG Shun-qiu
Higher-dimension Exponential Non-linear Model of Soil Erosion and Its Parameter Identification
SUN Quan-min;WANG Zhan-li;MA Chun-yan;TAN Zhen-xue;NIU Zhen-hua
CAS-based Modeling and Simulation of Water Rights Trading
WANG Hui-min;TONG Jin-ping;LIN Chen;LIU Yin;ZHANG Xiao-xuan
Degree Distribution of Evolution Networks with the Acceleration of Edge Attachment
QIN Sen;DAI Guan-zhong;WANG Lin
Analysis of Chaotic Charateristics of Unbiased GM(1,1)
WANG Zheng-xin;DANG Yao-guo;LIU Si-feng
Vertex Coloring Model and Algorithm of Gate Assignment
LUO Rong-wu;XIE Ru-he;ZHANG De-zhi
Undesirable Facility Location Problem using a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm
HE Bo;YANG Chao;REN Ming-ming
Selection of Cooperative Partners for Virtual Enterprises based on Modified Grey Evaluation Method
ZHANG Cheng-kao;NIE Mao-lin;WU Jia-bao
Schema Optimization and Conflict Mechanism in Relational Database System Migration
XU Jun;DAI Hao;XIE Yong-qiang;XIAO Meng;LIU Bao-sheng
Optimization Service for Complex Process System in Grid Environment and Its Task Scheduling Strategy
WANG Ke-xin;SHAO Zhi-jiang;QIAN Ji-xin
Solving a Class of Job-Shop Scheduling Problem based on Improved BPSO Algorithm
FAN Kun;ZHANG Ren-qian;XIA Guo-ping
Computation Method for Spatial OLAP
The Mathematical Model of Behavior Probability
SUN Shao-rong;JIAO Yue;LIU Chun-xia