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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2007 Issue 1
Study of Partner Selection Algorithm based on GAS and Fussy Decision-Making
JIANG Kang;CAO Wen-gang;YU Zhen-hua
Transit and Peering Competition Game between Internet Backbone Providers
WANG Qi;LV Ting-jie
A Traffic Image Code Method based on Machine Learning Parameter Choice
CAO Wen-lun;SHI Zhong-ke;FENG Jian-hu
Filtered Beam Search Algorithm with Partial Backtracking and Its Application to Job Shop Scheduling
SHANGGUAN Chun-xia;ZHOU Hong;SHI Rui-feng
Dynamic Grid-based Method Research in Data Distributed Management
DOU Zhi-wu;DENG Gui-shi;MAO Hai-jun
A New Attribute Algorithm for Reduction of Information System
GAO Xue-dong;DING Jun
Two Bi-objective Optimization Models for Competitive Location Problems
HUA Guo-wei;YANG Feng-mei;LAI Kin Keung
Mixed Delay and Loss Geo1 ←+ Geo2/Geo1, Geo2/s/s + K Queue System
MA Zhan-you;LIU Ming-xin;XU Xiu-li;TIAN Nai-shuo
Research on the Model of Optimizing Strategically Dynamic Railcar Operation
LIANG Dong;LIN Bo-liang
Study on Chaotic Prediction of Transfer Price in a Supply Chain under Rational Expectation
LU Ying-jin;TANG Xiao-wo;ZHANG Yong
Optimal Control Strategies for an Advertising Competing Model
QI Jie;WANG Ding-wei
Arbitrage Analysis of Futures Market with Frictions
LIU Hai-long;ZHOU Quan-yi
An Analysis of the China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Incident based on Risk Management
LI Zhong-fei;YEN Jerome;YAO Jing;FAN Ting-ting;CHANG Lin
Research on Consistency Modification Problem of Comparison Matrix in the Analytical Hierarchy Process
ZHU Jian-jun;WANG Meng-guang;LIU Shi-xin
Study on Spatio-Temporal System Dynamic Models of Urban Growth
SHEN Ti-yan;WANG Wei-dong;HOU Min;GUO Zhao-cheng;XUE Ling;YANG Kai-zhong
A Study on Incentive Factors of Team Cooperation based on Synergy Effect
WEI Guang-xing;YU Le-an;WANG Shou-yang;LAI Kin Keung
The Optimization Design of Control Charts of Non-normal Data
WANG Hai-yu;XU Ji-chao;YANG Jian-feng
Optimization Investment of Football Lottery Game——Online Combinatorial Optimization
HU Mao-lin;XU Yin-feng;XU Wei-jun
Discrete Time Dependent Shortest Paths Considering Node-waiting Cost
YANG Xuan-hui;LIU Zhen-yu
Renewing Problem: Models and Solution
HUANG Tao;GONG Xi-ting