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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2005 Issue 11
The Construction and Application of an Analyzing Combinatorial Model on the Relation between Fruits Supply and Demand
MU Wei-song;ZHANG Xiao-shuan;LIU Xue;ZHANG Ling-xian;FU Ze-tian
An Amendatory Multi-path Traffic Assignment Method on Lingering Response Information
MA Jun-lai;WANG Wei;BIAN Yang
Chaotic Control and Synchronization of Nonlinear Chaos System
ZHANG Ting-fang;YAO Hong-xing;GENG Xia
Quality Assessment Model for Complex Environment System Based on Refinements to Principal Component Analysis
WANG Xiao-peng;ZENG Yong-nian;DING Sheng-xi;CAO Guang-chao
Simulation of a Blood Inventory System with Time Varying Demand
GAO Bao-jun;XUAN Hui-yu;WANG Fang-jun;ZHANG Li
E-commerce Oriented ANS Based on Agent
WANG Hai;LI Yi-jun;HOU Xin-pei
Forecasting the Volatility of the Shanghai and the Shenzhen Stock Markets
An Evolving Model for Scale-free Collaboration Networks
ZHANG Zhong-zhi;RONG Li-li;ZHOU Tao
Sharing Synthesis of Petri Net Systems via Preserving Liveness
PU Fei;LU Wei-ming
The Customer Importance Identification System Based on Customer Lifetime Value
HU Li-zeng;XUE Heng-xin;YU Xin-yang
Research on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm with Small Population
HUANG Yong-qing;LIANG Chang-yong;ZHANG Xiang-de;YANG Shan-lin