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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2004 Issue 5
The Establishment of Self-adapting Algorithm of BP Neural Network and Its Application
li xiao feng ; xu jiu ping ; wang yin qing ; he chang zheng
An Empirical Study on the Inter-Industry Differences of Chinese Listed Companies' Capital Structure
guo peng fei ; yang chao jun ; sun pei yuan
Sales and Services Network Optimization after Merger and Acquisition
xu yin feng ; shen feng wu
A Study of Quantitative Evaluation for Plant Maintenance
liu jian ; yu de jie ; li de gang ; hu ke cheng
The Chaotic Behavior and Control of a Duopoly Model Based on Heterogeneous Expectations
chen guo hua ; li zuo ; sheng zhao zuo
The Asymptotic Stability of Series CIMS with a Single Storage Buffer
xu hou bao ; guo wei hua ; yu jing yuan ; zhu guang tian
Results on Axiomatic Definition of State Variable Weight Vector
li de qing ; gu yun dong ; li hong xing
Vague Set Methods of Multicriteria Fuzzy Decision Making
liu hua wen
The Optimal Designing of Fuzzy Neural Network Controller
liu jun ; liu ding ; han xia ; bai hua zuo
Attribute Reductions in Fuzzy Inconsistent Information Systems
yuan xiu jiu ; zhang wen xiu
Sampling Fuzzy C Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Genetic Optimization
zhang shu hong ; sun jian xun ; zhu ke jun
Particle Swarm Optimization for Integer Programming
tan zuo ; gao hui min ; zeng jian chao
A New Algorithm for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimization Problems
song ju long ; qian fu cai
Dynamic Model of Human Behavior in Building Fire Evacuation
xiao guo qing ; wang peng fei ; chen bao zhi
Trajectory Planning for Multiple Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles
gao xiao guang ; fu xiao wei ; song shao mei
Study on Activity-Based Resource Cost Model
wang fang jun
China's Trans-log Production Function Using Capital,Energy and Labor as Input
zheng zhao ning ; liu de shun
Analysis of Agent's and Enterprise's Sales Activities
wang xian yu ; yang xue nan ; wang hua