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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2004 Issue 2
Co-op Advertising Models in Simple Supply Chain Based on a Game Theory Approach
luo wei ; zhang zi gang ; ou yang ming de
Study on the Mechanism of Indirect Network Externality
shuai xu ; chen hong min
The Model of Transferring Demand Situations Based on Customer Value
wan ying hong ; li jiang ; li huai zu ; qian yuan yuan
Modified Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Solving Job-shop Scheduling Problems
wang wan liang ; wu qi di ; song yi
Neural Network with High-dimension Multi-input Layers Based on Process of Working Procedure and Its Application
xing jin sheng ; liu ren jing ; wang ying luo ; wan bai wu
Study of Knowledge Extracting Based on Linguistic Neural Network and Its Application to ITS
wei wei xing ; mo zan ; liao yi kui
Research on Methodology of Data Ming Based on Knowledge Lifecycle
yao min ; shen bin ; yi wen zuo
Study and Application of BP Neural Network Model Based on Fuzzy Clustering
he yong ; xiang li guo
Some New Results of Quantitative Evaluation Indexes on Peer Reviewer Comments
wang cheng hong ; he jie ; liu ke ; song su
An Analyzes on Complexity and Evolutionary Stability in Co-petition Games
wu zuo ; yang mei ying ; chen liang zuo
Quadric Exponential Smoothing Model with Adapted Parameter and Its Applications
li suo ping ; liu kun hui
On Null-additivity of Generalized Fuzzy Valued Choquet Integrals
wang gui jun ; li xiao ping
Construction and Application of Validity Function for Fuzzy Division
sun cai zhi ; lin xue zuo
A Stock Strategy Model for Restoring Air Materiel Based on the Two-level Providing Condition
fu xing fang ; li ji jun ; li zong zhi
The Configuration and Process Route Optimization of FMS Based on Hybrid GA
li jian yong ; cha jian zhong ; e ming cheng
An Algorithm for Train-set Scheduling on Weekday Based on Probabilistic Local Search
zhao peng ; fu jing gui xiong
A Study on the Theoretics Frame of Water Resources Systems Engineering
jin ju liang ; wei yi ming ; ding jing ; fu qiang
The Simplify Algorithm of Calculating the Reduced Differential Matrix Is Untenable
pang yan jun ; liu kai di
Relationship between Price Momentum and Trading Volume in China
zhu zhan yu ; wu chong feng ; wang cheng zuo
A Study on Signal-to-Noise of Principal Component for Portfolio Selection
wei shi zhen ; you chen ; han yu qi ; chen chuan ming