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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2002 Issue 3
Case Based Scheme for ICU
yu yue hai ; zheng rui qiang ; he jian min
Hybrid Similarity Measure for Retrieval in Case-based Reasoning System
zhang ben sheng ; yu yong li
Study on Construction System Simulation and Schedule for Large-scale Underground Structure Group
zhang wei bo ; huang he ; li jing ru ; yang qing xue ; zhong deng hua
An Integrated Application of Fuzzy Qualitative Modeling and Simulation
wang dong feng ; chen ying wu
Annealed Neural Networks Approach to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands
yuan jian ; liu jin ; lu hou qing
Dynamic Formal Specification of Fault Tolerant Service on Distributed Object Computing Environment
zhao ji zhong ; zhang yong jin ; jie jian cang ; wang xiao jiang ; qi yong
Efficiency of Financial Market and Fractal Market Theory
fan zhi ; zhang shi ying
Chaos Control of Ec-R-Ev System Based on Coordination
lv tong ; han wen xiu
A Possible Approach to the Framework of the Fundamental Theory of System Science: Part Two
fan wen tao ; gong xiao qing ; ding yi ming
Convergence Results for Equilibrium Problem
cheng yong hong
Entropy Criterion of Grey Exponential Law
zhang zuo shan
Study on an Evolution Model of Route Choice Behavior in Traffic Flow
feng wei dong ; chen jian ; he guo guang ; liu bao
Impact on Sedan Demands after China Joins the WTO
wang qi fan ; jia jian guo
Unifying Calculating Models for the Network Planning
yang bing
Process Bottleneck Analysis of the Generalized Circulation Problem
jiang yong heng ; jin yi hui
Study on Workflow Modeling and Its Dynamic Scheduling Based on Activity Analysis
zhao tian qi ; chen yu liu
Activity-based CVP Model and BEP Analysis
wang fang jun ; wan wei wu ; wang ping xin
Study on "Hold-up" of IT Outsourcing
li xiao mao
A Macroeconomic Model on Climate Change
zhong xiao han ; li zi nai