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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2002 Issue 12
A Possible Approach to the Framework of the Fundamental Theory of System Science:Part Six
fan wen tao ; ding yi ming ; gong xiao qing
The Qualitative Representation and Inference of the Complex Systems
li bo ; zhang shi ying ; li yin hui
Analysis of Divergence of BP Algorithm with Fixed Learning Rate and the Countermeasure
yang an hua ; peng qing e ; liu guang zhong
The Problem about Trick on a Matrix Game and Its Living Examples
jiang dian yu ; zhang sheng kai
SGA(Simplex-Genetic Algorithm):a Universal Algorithm for Solving Minimax Problem
zheng yong ling ; ma long hua ; qian ji xin
A Study about the First Reaching Time in a Jump-Diffusion Risk Model
sun li juan ; gu zuo
Descending Dimension Algorithm for Convex Nonlinear Programming Problem with Equality Constraints
chen rong ; feng qi shan ; yang xing yue
Estimating the Fractal Dimension of Financial Time Series by Wavelet
xiong zheng feng
Study on Risk Measurement Based on Risk Measurement Function
gu xiao hui ; zhao you shou
A Hybrid Learning Method Based on Intelligent Agent
zhao wei dong ; chen guo hua ; sheng zhao zuo
An Analyzing Model System on Population,Resources, Environment and Economics
jiang tao ; yuan jian hua ; he lin ; xu yi
A New Gray Gompertz Model
tong xiao jun ; song zhong min ; zhou long
The Study of Dynamic Programming Model about Optimum Investment Plan of Mining Area
zhang shao wen ; li zhong xue ; li xiang yi
Price Forecast and Mineral Property Valuation
liu chao ma ; huang chun yan
Research on Optimization of Routing Plan of Water Flooding Pipeline Network System
guo jun zhong ; chang yu lian ; gao sheng
zong mu ci
Portfolio Selection Based on Internet
dong ji chang ; wang shou yang ; xu shan ying ; deng xiao tie ;y.nakamori
Empirical Analysis of Efficiency Evolution in Chinese Stock Markets
shi yong dong ; he hai jiang ; shen de hua