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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
2001 Issue 5
Dynamic Structure Optimization Model and Evaluation Method for Economic System D evelopment
zhang xiang bin ; yu xiu yan ; yang de li
CIMS in Process Industries: a Survey
song zhi huan ; gao chun hua ; li ping
Method Getting Model of MAS: Supporting Dynamic Enterprise Model
gong bao jun ; wang shu qing
Quickly Balance Technology with Demand Condition
xiong zhong kai
Agent-Based Cost Estimation System
gou hong mei ; huang bi qing ; ren shou zuo
Memoryless Quadratically Stabilizing VSC for A Class of Uncertain Time-Delay Sy stems
hu jian bo ; su hong ye ; zuo jian
Convergence Theory of Discrete Hopfield-type Neural Networks with Time-Delay a nd Its Algorithm
qiu shen shan ; liu yong qing ; deng fei qi
Fuzzy Random Reliability of Marine Structures
zhang shu hua ; zhao hao zuo ; niu pei feng
Study on the Real-time Control in Transit
huang jian hua ; ge fang ; zhang guo wu
Study on the Concept and Calculating Methods of Comprehensive Environment Fee
zeng si yu ; fu guo wei
Promoting Unity of Marketing Design Process by Using QFD
kong zao jie ; hao yong jing
The Multiple Criteria Optimal Model and Computation for An Ecolog ical and Economic Input-Occupancy-Output Model
fan jin ; shen jie ; bao zhen qiang ; zhou zhong min
A Game Theory Approach for Portfolio Selection
liu shan cun ; wang shou yang ; qiu zuo hua
Transaction Costs and the Equilibrium of Pure Change Economy
wang zhi hua
The Optimal Problem of A Class of Buffers
zhuo zhi bing ; chen wen de ; liang qi hong
A Chaotic Search Method for a Class of Combinatorial Optimization Problems
zhang guo ping ; wang zheng ou ; yuan guo lin
The Modeling and Forecasting of Chaotic Time Series
sun hai yun ; cao qing jie
Genter Approach Grey GM(1,1) Model
song zhong min ; tong xiao jun ; xiao xin ping
Damage Identification of Beam Structures Using Genetic Algorithm
yi wei jian ; liu xia
GM(1,1) Modeling Method of Optimum the Whiting Values of Grey Derivative
wang yi nao ; liu kai di ; li ying chuan