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Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice
1999 Issue 6
The Application of Kalman Filter Method in Financial Budget
MAO Dingxiang;LIU Ling
BP Neural Network Modeling for Predicting Coal Production of Working Face
ZHANG Pengzhu;FEI Chuhong;LI Shurong
Attribute Recognition Approach and Its Application in Forecasting of Futures Price
CHEN Zhihang;CHENG Qiansheng
The Intensive Degree in Economic Growth and Its Measurement
YANG Meiying;LOU Yong;HUANG Yongfeng
The Methods and Algorithm of Searching Consensus under Group Decision Making Opinions
ZHOU Jie;LI Demin;ZHANG Youliang
Application of Genetic Algorithms in Subset Selection of Fuzzy Linear Regression
LIU Shuan;ZHENG Binglin;WANG Mengguang
Pattern Recognition Method Based on Fuzzy Grey Incidence and Its Application
ZHAO Yanlin;MEI Zhanxin
The Decision Method of Power Network Planning Based on the Feedback Extension
XIE Jingdong;TANG Guoqing
Design of Self-tuning Fuzzy Controller and Its Application
CHENG Qiming;WAN Dejun
Periodic Analysis of Multi-dimensional Time Series
ZHANG Jifeng
Continuous-time Loop Architecture Neural Network and Its Design
LIU Guangzhong;LUO Dengyao
A Study on the Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem
JIANG Dali;YANG Xilong;DU Wen;ZHOU Xianwei
System Science for Brain Research
HUANG Bingxian
A Study on Real-time Monitoring Network & Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System for Building's Equipment
LIU Zaiwen;ZHANG Yuanfeng;PENG Liping;PAN Wei
Study on the Design of Distributed Intelligent Decision Support System
FANG Weiguo;ZHOU Hong
An Exploration and Application ofObject-Oriented Model Management
CHEN Fuzan;FAN Yichang;JI Shiguang;WANG Yizhi
Object-Based Model System for CIPS Overall Design
PAN Dong;WANG Jingchun;JIN Yihui