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Systems Engineering
2016 Issue 5
The Effects of Shadow Banking in China Based on the Rigid Payment
WANG Zhan-hao;GUO Ju-e;LIU Zi-han;SHI Jin-zhao;School of Management;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Evolutionary Game Analysis on Default Behavior in SMEs Group Loans
ZHENG Yue-long;ZHANG Wei-guo;School of Management;Chongqing Technology and Business University;College of Economic and Administration and Business;Chongqing University;College of Economics and Management;Southwest University;
The Causes of and Solution to Chinese Rural Financial Exclusion
TAN Yan-zhi;LI Wei-yang;Institute of Business and Administration of Commercial Bank;School of Business;Xiangtan University;
Game of the Market Structure Influencing Emerging Technology Innovation Strategy Selection
CAO Xing;WANG Han-yu;MA Hui;School of Business;Central South University;Hunan University of Technology;
Cooperative Competition Game Model in the Internet of Things Industry Based on Value Networks
ZHAO Qing-song;TAN Yue-jin;YANG Ke-wei;WANG Xiao-pan;School of Information System and Management;National University of Defense Technology;Faculty of Technology;Policy and Management;Delft University of Technology;
Multi-product Dynamic Pricing Based on Customers’ Memory Window and Reference Effects
LIU Hai-ying;LUO Xin-xing;DENG Li;Business School;Center South University;
Resource Integration Behavior and Its Dynamic Evolution of OEM Enterprises under the Background of Transformation
HUANG Xin-huan;WANG Wen-ping;School of Economics;Fujian Normal University;School of Economics and Management;Southeast University;
Two-sided Matching with Uncertain Psychological Behavior
YUE Qi;School of Information Management;Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics;
Adjusted Strategy in Dual-channel Supply Chain When Demand and Production Cost Disrupted
PENG Jing;LIN Jie;LIN Zheng;School of Economics and Management;Tongji University;School of Information Engineering;Zhejiang A&F University;Zhejiang Provincial Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute;
Joint Replenishment Model of Double Channels with Sharing Leftovers under Independent and Stochastic Demand
JING You-guo;ZHANG Ai-feng;QIN Kai-da;Faculty of Management and Economics;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Contracts and Coordination in Assembly System Based on Conditional Value-at-risk
WANG Xian-jia;ZHANG Dan;School of Economics and Management;Wuhan University;
Robust Bilevel Optimization Model for Vehicle Routing of Emergency Commodities
LIU Bo;LI Yan;School of Information Science and Technology;Shihezi University;The College of Economics and Management;Shihezi University;School of Science;Shihezi University;
Feed-in Tariff Regulation Policy of Renewable Energy Industry——Based on the Comparison of Fixed Price,Constant-premium Price,Variable-premium Price
SUN Peng;LIU Ling;LOU Run-ping;School of Economics and Management;Hainan University;
Nonlinear Relationship among Income Distribution,Economic Growth and Carbon Emission
OUYANG Qiang;LIAO Sheng-hua;LI Zhu-ping;LI Shu-ying;School of Economics and Management;Changsha University of Science and technology;
The Bank’s Credit Decision under Different Financial Ecological Environments
GONG Guang-ming;HUANG Jing-yu;School of Business Administration;Hunan University;
The System Dynamics Model and Evolution Simulation on Coupling-emotional Group Events
XIONG Guo-qiang;ZHAO Xin;School of Economics and Management;Xi’an University of Technology;
Reasoning Method of Emergency Chain Reaction Path Based on Knowledge Element
WANG Ning;LU Guo-cui;CHAO Ke;College of Management Science and Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;
Model and Algorithm for Multi-stage Group Decision-making Concerning Different Decision Groups and Dual Information
HAO Jing-jing;ZHU Jian-jun;LIU Yuan;College of Economics and Management;Zhejiang Normal University;College of Economics and Management;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Full Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Refrigerators Considering Their Security Processing Proportion
YANG Huan;CUI Li;ZHU Qing-hua;School of Business;Dalian University of Technology;
Applicationof Finite Mixture Distributions in Vehicle Insurance Ratemaking
SUN Wei-wei;CHEN Wei-ke;School of Management;Tianjin University of Technology;
Effectiveness Evaluation for TBDES Based on Operation Loop
ZHANG Guo-qiang;LIU Xiao-he;JIANG Fang-ting;ZHANG Xiao-ke;Land-based Air Defense Equipment Institute;Equipment Academy of Air Force;Air Force Command College;Radar and Electromagnetic Countermeasure Equipment Institute;Equipment Academy of Air Force;College of Information System and Management;National University of Defense Technology;