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Systems Engineering
2013 Issue 12
Hierarchical Knowledge-Syncretism System for Inter-Enterprises and Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm Based on Time Automata
GUO Jun;SHI Hong-wei;CHEN Xi;School of Management and Economics;Xidian University;
A Contingency Model of Board of Directors and R&D Investment:The Moderating Effect of Types of Holding Stockholders
ZHAO Lin;XIE Yong-zhen;ZHANG Ya-meng;School of Management;Shandong University;
Simulation Study on Decision-making Process of Water Resources Management Based on QSIM Algorithm
LOU Shuai;WANG Hui-min;NIU Wen-juan;XU Ye-jun;State Key Laboratory of Hydrology Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering;HOHAI University;Management Science Institute of HOHAI University;
Lead Time Investment of On-line Retailers and Manufacturers’ Compensation
LIU Lei;ZHONG Li;School of Management and Economics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Sichuan Normal University Chengdu College;
Noise Return Measurement of Security Market Based on Kalman Filter Method
WANG Chun-feng;ZHANG Sheng-sheng;FANG Zheng-ming;YU Si-jing;College of Management and Economic;Tianjin University;Financial Engineering Research Center;Tianjin University;
Alliance Option Value and Competition Effect Based on Option Game Theory
LIAO Hua-jun;School of Business;Central South University;
The Supply Chain Financing Strategy with Supplier’ s Commission
HE Ya-lan;FENG Lin;LIU Wen-wen;BAI Zhen-yu;Institute of Systems Engineering;Tianjin University;
A Review of Research on Fourth Party Logistics
TU Jun;HUANG Min;BO Gui-hua;College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries;College of Science;Liaoning Technical University;
Disrupted Flight Scheduling Model Based on the Time-band Network
ZHANG Li-bo;BAO He-ying;Institute of Economics& Management;Nanjing University of Aeronautics& Astronautics;
Bi-level Programming Model and the Solution Algorithm for Urban Bus Departure Frequency Optimization
WANG Jia;HU Lie-ge;HE Xiang;Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;Ministry of Education;Traffic and Transportation Engineering College;Changsha University of Science and Technology;
The Impact of Supplier Involvement in Fuzzy Front End on Technological Innovation Capability of Manufacturing Enterprises
PEI Xu-dong;LI Sui-cheng;HUANG Yu-zhou;School of Economics and Management;Xi’ an University of Technology;School of Economics and Management;Xi’ an Shiyou University;
Manufacturers’ Ordering Strategy under Cap-and-trade Mechanism
LAN Hai-yan;JI Shou-feng;School of Business Administration;Northeastern University;
Loading Operation Plan Based on Time and Loading Capacity Limited
WEI Tang-jian;FENG Yuan-yuan;School of Railway Tracks and Transportation;East China JiaoTong University;
Industry Agglomeration and Industrial Migration in China’ s Industrialization
CHEN Jun;YUE Yi-ding;School of Business;Central South University;Hunan Academy of Socialism;
The Application of Weighted Markov AR-GARCH-GED Model in the Prediction of Precipitation
RU Zheng-liang;YANG Zhi-yan;ZHU Weng-gang;YANG Hong-li;Dept.of Basic Courses;Nanjing Institute of Technology;
Cost Allocation for Cooperation in Queuing System with Application of Cooperative Game Theory
ZENG Yin-lian;LI Jun;School of Economics& Management;Southwest Jiaotong University;
Product Recommendation Based on Image Content and GM-PLSA Model
ZHU Shao-Ping;XIA Li-Min;PENG Dong-Liang;Hunan University of Finance and Economics;School of Information Science and Engineering;Central South University;
Photovoltaic Industry Confronted with Dual Failures and Control Measures
HE Zheng-chu;ZHOU Yong-sheng;WU Yan;College of Management;Guilin University of Technology;Huaihua University;