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Systems Engineering
2012 Issue 8
Positional Analysis Methods for Fuzzy Social Network
LIAO Li-ping;HU Ren-jie;ZHANG Guang-yu
A New Metaheuristic Cuckoo Search Algorithm
LI Yu1;2;MA Liang1
The Relationship between SME Marketing Innovation and Performance
WEN Liang;LI Li-na;LIU Lian-chun
Liquor Quality Evaluation Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy-Topsis Group Decision Method
TANG Run1;2;WANG Hai-yan1;2
Contract Breach Problem in Job Search among Fresh University Graduates
LIU Yang;WANG Guo-li
The Design of The System of Missile Precautionary Measurement
LIU Hong-yu;FANG Yang-wang
Population Aggregation and Economic Growth——Evidence from Cross-country Data
XIE Li;ZHU Guo-shu;CHEN Qin
Path Optimization of Logistics Distribution Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
LUO Yong1;2;CHEN Zhi-ya1
Risk Decision Making of Science and Technology Project Based on Interval Bayesian Model
DONG Zheng-guo;WANG Ping-hui
The Dynamic Analysis on Spatial Differences of China’s Foreign Direct Investment Environment
YANG Ji-ping;ZHAO Hong-xiang;FU An-ping
Quadratic Term Structure Theory and Model of Interest Rates
DU Jun1;2;ZOU Yin1;WU Hua1
Pricing the Decomposition of Callable and Redeemable Convertible Bonds with Payment of Interest
JIANG Zhi-yuan1;3;ZHANG Shun-ming2;LI Jiang-feng1