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Systems Engineering
2012 Issue 10
Multi-step-ahead Prediction for Hu-Shen 300 Index Based on SOM and SVMs
XIONG Tao;BAO Yu-kun;HU Zhong-yi;ZHANG Jin-long
The Flexibility Manufacturing of Multi-product and Outsourcing under Uncertainty
XU Yi-gang;DENG Guang-jun;ZENG Yong;LI Shi-ming
Process Modeling for Implementation Stage of Engineering Projects on HTCPN
LI Hai-ling1;LIU Ke-jian2;TAO Xue-ming1
Research Review on Profit Persistence
LI Jun
Keywords Model and Application of Wavelet Neural Network Based on IGA-BP
LI Guo-liang1;LI Zhong-fu2;XIE Hong-tao1;LI Hong-bo1
Gray-Chaos Neural Network Model and Its Application to Short-term Population Prediction
ZHOU Zhi-gang1;2;WAN Li2;CHEN Li-hong2