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Systems Engineering
2010 Issue 4
Measuring Effect of Warrant Return Volatility:A Comparative Study Based on GARCH and SV Model
ZHOU Jing-dong1;XIE Chi1;2;OU Hui-sheng1;ZHAO Yi-jun1
MCMC Estimation and Analysis of MS-ARCH Model in SSE Composite Index
ZHU Jun-jun;XIE Shi-yu
The Diagnosis Model of Basin Initial Water Right Allocation System Theme
WU Feng-ping;WU Dan;CHEN Yan-ping
Fluidity and Real Estates Investment Overheat
REN Mu-rong1;ZEN Chao-qun2
Network Traffic Evolutionary Model Based on Projected Dynamical Systems Theory
HE Sheng-xue1;DONG June1;2;XU Fu-yuan1;HE Jian-jia1
A Closed-loop Supply Chain Robust Production Planning under Multi-vendor Competition
CHEN Cin-lin1;ZHANG Shuang-wu2
E-VIKOR Method for Hybrid Multiple Attribute Decision Making
SUO Wei-lan;FAN Zhi-ping
Customs Clearance Process Reengineering Based on Queue Petri Net
HU Rong;ZHEN Hong
A Model on Equilibrium Market Structure with Two-sided Network Effects
LIU Da-wei1;2;LI Kai1;GAO Jia-qi1
An Improved PSO for Solving Resource-constrained Project Scheduling Problem
PENG Wu-liang1;HAO Yong-ping2
Shannon DEA Efficiency Model Based on Two Envelopment Frontiers
LI Zhao-qiong;LIANG Liang;XIA Qiong;YANG Feng
Competitive Decision Algorithm for Multi-objective Minimum Spanning tree Problem
XIONG Xiao-Hua1;2;MA Liang1;NING Ai-Bing1
Capability Assessment Method of Weapon System-of-systems
LU Yan-jing;ZHANG Xiao-ke;CHEN Ying-wu;CHENG Ben
A New Method for Ranking Fuzzy Variables
YAO Shao-wen1;2
Evaluation Indexes of and Empirical Study on Regional Ecological Modernization
CHEN Yu;CHEN Xiao-hong
RBF Modeling of Ground Resources Allocation Based on Double Sampling
FENG Hong-sheng;WU Xiao-yue
A New Synthetic Method of Conflict Evidence
WANG Yi-jun;ZHANG Hang