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Systems Engineering
2010 Issue 12
The Model for DEA Parameter Design Based on Quality-cost Persective
LI Ya-ping;LIU Si-feng;FANG Zhi-geng
Empirical Studies on the Market Trend of the China’s Key Tobacco Brands
ZHOU Yao-hui;WANG Guo-shun;TANG Jian-xiong
Driver Behavior at Signalized Intersection during Yellow Interval
LONG Ke-jun1;2;HE Lin-ru1;Lee.D.HAN1;3
Liquidity Risk Control of Inventory Financing Under Dynamic Pledge Model
HAN Gang;LI Sui-cheng
Liquidity Risk Rating for Commercial Banks and Its Empirical Study
LIU Yan1;2;GONG Chang-liang2
Closed-loop Cultural Particle Swarm Optimization for Economic Load Dispatch Problem
WU Ya-li1;YUAN Ying2;XUE Jing-qian1
Growing Competitive Ant Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization
ZHU Gang1;MA Ling2
Pricing Asian Option under the Jump-diffusion Model
ZHANG Jing;HE Chun-xiong;GUO Ai;LIU Wen-tao