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Systems Engineering
2009 Issue 7
Intraday Features of the Dynamic Relationship between Informed Trading Probability and Trading Activity
WANG Chun-feng;ZHANG Ya-nan;FANG Zhen-ming
Risk Contagion and Investment Transfer between Stocks
JIN Fei1;2;TIAN Yi-xiang1;TAN Di-jun1
The Interest Rate Term Structure Model of Polynomial Spline Function Based on Genetic Algorithms
BAI Xiao-ying1;ZHOU Rong-xi2;YANG Feng-mei1
The Limit Distribution of Credit Portfolios’ Loss When Recovery Rate Is Random
WANG Guo-dong;ZHAN Yuan-rui
Adaptive Feedback Control for Chaos in a Class of Investment Model
XU Zheng-hui1;2;LIU You-jin1;2;XIAO Yan-fei1;2;PAN Ai-min1;2;LIU Li-jun1;2
Estimation of Asymmetric Double Exponential Jump-diffusion Model Using MCMC Method
REN Feng;WANG Bo;DUAN Jing-jing
A New GERT Network Model and Its Application Based on Value Flow Process
YU Bin;FANG Zhi-geng;YANG Bao-hua;LIU Si-feng
The Model of Oil Drilling Bill of Material
FANG Ming;LI Run-zhou
Experimental Study on the Effects of Anonymity on Decision Making of GDSS Group
CHEN Xiao-hong;ZHAO Ke;CHEN Jian-er
Nonlinear Regression Automatic Modeling Process
YE Ming1;Gilbert Saporta2;WANG Hui-wen1
Solution to MTSP Based on Niche Genetic Algorithm
Great Deluge Algorithm for Multi-criteria Travelling Salesman Problem
WEI Xin;MA Liang