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Systems Engineering
2007 Issue 7
A Group-thinking Interaction Decision Method Supervised by Cluster-heads
KONG De-chang;CHEN Xiao-hong;LIU Rong
Competition and Cooperation of Enterprise Cluster Based on Ecosystem
YU Xiao-jun;TAN Jian
Improved Evidential Reasoning Approach to Multiple Attribute Decision Making under Uncertainty
gao bin ; zhou lei ; ni ming fang
Evolutionary Computation Based on Good Character Breed
YUAN Li-hua;LI Ming;LI Jun-hua
Evaluation Indicators System for the City Infastructure Development Level
PAN Sheng-qiang;MA Chao-qun
A Model Based on Double Principal-agent to Screen product Quality
MA Ben-jiang;FU Li-xian
An Affecting Factors and Optimizing Model for the Remanufacturing Production Planning
XIE Jia-ping;ZHAO Zhong;KONG Ling-cheng;CHEN Rong-qiu
The Coordination of Pricing in A Supply Chain with Stackelberg Game
TENG Chun-xian;YAO Feng-min;LIU Zhi-yong
Across-chian Inventory Management in Cluster Supply Chains Based on System Dynamics
LI Ji-zi;LI Bai-xun;LIU Chun-ring
An Empirical Study on Investors' Sentiment and Stock Returns in Chinese Stock Market
ZhANG Qiang;YANG Shu-e;YANG Hong