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Systems Engineering
2007 Issue 4
LGD Calculating Based on the New Basel Agreements
YUAN Jian-liang
The Equilibrium Strategies of Bi-matrix Games with Interval-valued Payoffs
PANG Jin-hui;ZHANG Qiang
Improvement on Algorithm for Final Priorities of AHP Based on Ideal Solution
KONG Feng;LIU Hong-yan
Stock Market Exchange based on Fuzzy Association Rules
TAN Hua;XIE Chi;CHU Hui-bin
The Impact of Uninsured Deposit Rate on the Deposit Insurance Pricing
ZHANG Jin-bao;REN Ruo-en
On Basal Theory of Multiperiod Rolling Hedge in Futures Market
WU Hai-jun;MA Yong-kai
On Asset-Mix Strategies with Affine Term Structure of Interest Rate
WU Qi-quan;WANG Chun-feng;LI Hang-hong
The Quoting Confliction in Supply Chain
XU Yong
Absorptive Capacity and Competing Firms' R&D Investment and Approach
ZHANG Jun-guo;REN Hao
Priority Option Pricing for Online Information Service
A Pricing Model of Container Liner Shipping
YANG Cheng-hu;WANG Cui-hong;DU Wen
On Dynamic Programming Method in the Shortest Route of Logistics Delivery
JIANG Qi-wei;CHEN Zhi-ya
A Model for the VRPTW with Re-used Vehicles and Improved Ant Colony Optimization
ZHANG Tao;WANG Shan-shan;TIAN Wen-xin;ZHANG Yue-jie;LIU Shi-xin
An Inventory Model for Single Manufacture and Multiple Retailers under Delay in Payments
YANG Shu;LIANG Liang;DONG Jun-feng
A Decision Analysis on Supply Chain Resource Integration in 4PL Mode
YAO Jian-ming;LIU Li-wen