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Systems Engineering
2006 Issue 5
The Design and Realization of Region Warehouse Network Based on E-business
ZHANG Gunag-yu;LUO Duan-hong
Dynamic Joint Replenishment Based on the Controllable Lead Time
ZHONG Lei-gang;LIANG Yong;ZHANG Cui-hua
An Application of Expected-profit-entropy in Coordination Supply Chain
ZHOU Yong-wu;RAN Cui-ling
An Algorithm for Stochastic Demand Inventory Routing Problem
ZHAO Da;LI Jun;MA Dan-Xiang
Design and Application of Hub and Spoke Network
BAI Ming-guo;ZHU Jin-fu;YAO Yun
Multi-vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem under Real-time Information
ZHOU Chang-feng;TAN Yue-jin;LIAO Liang-cai
Forecasting Behavior Risk of Users in the Operation of Express
FENG Wei-lin;LAI Ming-yong
Internal Relation Analysis on Decision System
ZHANG Cai-jiang
An Empirical Study on E-government Customer Satisfaction Index Model
LIU Yan;CHEN Ying-wu
Dividend Policy Model in Equity Separate Market
YI Yan-xin;KE Da-gang;ZHANG Xiao
An Application of Non-linear Trace Differential to Simulating and forecasting in Stock Price
LIU Feng-gen;WANG Xiao-fang;ZHANG Min
Power-law Measure by Max-ranking Method
SUN Ying;LIU Xiao-dong;WANG Yu
Tail Dependence Analysis of SZI & HSI Based on Copula Method
LI Yue;CHENG Xi-jun
The SD Simulation on Investing Single Stock Risks of Chinese Investor
XIE Lei;LI Yi-zhi
On-line Order Scheduling Problem with Due Date
ZHENG Fei-feng;XU Yin-feng;ZHANG E
Ruin Probability in a Discrete-time Risk Model With Time-correlated Claims
Zhao Xiao-qin;Liu Zai-ming;Wang Guo-bao
Infrastructure Provision Mechanism and Investment Models
MAO Teng-fei
Flexible Bill of Material System Based on Data Warehouse
YAO Kao-hua;LIU Chang-chuan
The ELECTRE Ⅲ Method Based on the Stochastic Dominance Relation
HAN Min;SUN Zhao-xu;QIU Wan-hua;CHEN Di-rong