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Systems Engineering
2006 Issue 3
Park'n Ride Behaviors in Urban Transportation Networks
YI Kun-nan;YU Fei-fei
A New Decision Criterion Eliminating from Lindley Paradox
WANG Quan-wen;WU Zhen-kui;WU Yu-hua;LIU Zhen-hang
Quantum Games and Game's Quantization
Core Products and Their Development and Evaluation
XU Sheng-jiang
A Stochastic Scheduling Model of a Batch Processing Machine
ZHANG Li-hua;TU Feng-sheng
Relationship between Dividend Policy and Enterprise Value
CHEN Zhong-bo;LIU Dao-yu
Haier Group's Integrated Marketing Strategy
WANG Da-gang;XI You-min;ZHOU Yun-jie
Improvement of Traditional Performance Measurement with EVA: An Application of Neural Network
CHEN Lin;WANG Ping-xin;WANG Fang-jun
A Dynamic Model of Heng Seng Index Based on Complex Network Eigenvectors
LI Ping;WANG Bing-hong
Revenue Malmquist Index Based on Directional Technology Distance Function
LI guang-jin;SUN lin;ZHANG jian-hui
Economics Explanation on Penalty Existing and Extent for Measurement of Punishment
HUANG Wei-min;LIU Chao-ming
An Economical Analysis on Local Bureaucracy Cost of the Policy
HUANG Jian-bo;LI Zeng-xin;XIAO Tai-qing
Evaluating the Management Risk of Expressway by the Method of Fuzzy Influence Diagrams
CHEN Yun;LI Jing-jing;YANG Wen-an
Behavior Analysis and Simulation Modeling of Congested Traffic Flow
YANG Xiao-bao;ZHANG Ning
Short-time Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Projection Pursuit Auto Regression
WANG Xiao-yuan;LIU Hai-hong
The CAD for AS/RS Based on Visual Simulation
ZHANG Han-Jiang;XIAO Wei;LUO Duan-hong;YANG San-gen
A Review on Supply Chain Risk Management
ZHOU Yan-ju;QIU Wan-hua;WANG Zong-run