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Systems Engineering
2004 Issue 6
The Nonlinear Common Persistence of Multivariate GARCH Model
liu dan hong ; xu zheng guo ; zhang shi ying
On Application of the Pricing of Double Barrier Stock Option as Executive Compensation Incentive
liu guo mai ; zou jie zhong ; chen chao
Frequent-purchased Models and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Its Parameters
qiao zhong ; wang fu hua ; liu wei
Game Research between Public Transit Enterprises and Government
li qiao ru ; ma shou feng ; wei lian yu
On the Algorithm of Grey Multiple Objective Programming
luo dang ; liu si feng
Modeling and Solution of a Multi-resources Dynamic Scheduling Problem with Time Windows
liu yang ; chen ying wu ; tan yue jin
The Analysis and Design Project about Self-Service Study System for Student
yao kao hua ; jiang yan hui
A Study about Convergence rate of a Monte-Carlo Method for American Option Pricing
sun chun yan ; chen yao hui ; li chu lin
A New Method of Determining the Reliability of Decision-makers in Group Decision
liang ; xiong li ; wang guo hua
Parameter Estimatiom and Forecast in Fractional Order ARIMA Models
chen yao hui ; li chu lin
On the Intelligent Control of Intersections in a City
han qiang ; liu zhi ping ; liu jia zhuang
A Study on Passenger Train Plan Decision Support System
cha wei xiong ; xiong gui lin ; wan guo dong
Contract Design of Adverse Specialization
zhang yong peng ; hu pei
Portfolios Based on Reference Point Return Being Transformed into Value-function
peng fei ; huang deng shi ; tang hai rong