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Systems Engineering
2002 Issue 4
Optimal Allocation Method of Engineering System Reliability Considering Dynamic Risk Cost
li dian qing ; tang wen yong ; zhang sheng kun
A Local Auto-Regressive Fuzzy Model and Its Application in Modeling of Small Samples Data Systems
zhang hong ; xiao de yun ; liu zhen tao
Algorithm and Positive Analysis of Time Series Relationship Dimension
zou xin yue ; lv xian jin
Modeling and Application of Fuzzy Time Series
wu jin pei
The Study on the Model and Parameter of Urban-Trip Distribution in Metropolises of China
chen shang yun ; du wen ; gao shi lian
An Improved Multivariate Loss Function and Positive Analysis
ma yi zhong ; cheng shao hua ; li yan jun
The Coordinative and Incentive Mechanism in Cooperative Supply Chain
guo min ; wang hong wei
An Order-Oriented Dynamic Scheduling Method for Continuous Production Processes
wang wan liang ; chen zhi qiang ; zhang zhi hui ; wu qi di
An Analysis on Characteristics of the Crude Oil Prices in System Dynamics
hao hai ; gu pei liang ; lu qi
Fit and Analyze the Stock Market's Volatility in China with the AR-EGARCH-M Model
hu hai peng ; fang zhao ben
A Man-Machine Interaction Model and Its Algorithm for Project Progress Adjustment
wu huan qun ; mo lian guang ; gao xing ; li ming shun
A Study of the Inversion of Affine Nonlinear System with the Multi-Trajectory Method
gao jian ; zuo ming an ; he chang zheng
Robust Stability for Uncertain Generalized Systems
liang jia rong ; fan xiao ping
Financial Complexity
wu chong feng ; song jun