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Systems Engineering
2002 Issue 1
hui yi tong zhi
dong shi hui de zhi ze ji lv xing cheng xu ( )( )
zhang han jiang
Attribute Reduction based on Heuristic Knowledge and Its Application on Evaluation System
xiao jian hua ; wu jin pei ; yang shu zi
Genetic-Algorithms-Based Assembly Line Balancing
song hua ming ; han yu qi
An Improvement of Permutation Method
xu xiao zhan ; peng yu wei ; wu shou xian
An Assessment Method for Multivariate Process Capability
ma yi zhong ; li yan jun
D-S Based Investment Decision Model and Its Application
zuo ling ; luo ben cheng ; shao dong guo
Research for Autonomous and Coordination Agent in GDSS
li chun mei ; zou ping
A Study of Design of EC-Oriented 3PL's Management System
zeng xiang yun ; wang qiang
The Ticket Selling and Reserving System of Chinese Railway
shi feng ; gu qiang
Research on Enterprise R&D and Merger Based on Network Externality
weng zuo cong ; chen hong min ; ni su yun
Vendor Evaluating Methods Based on Euclid Norm
wang zuo ; sun lin yan ; zhao yi meng
An Informational Solution to Principal-Agent Moral Problems
zhang xi zheng
Systematic Management of the Life Cycle of Virtual Enterprise
sun dong chuan ; ye fei ; zhang hong
A Game Analysis on University-Industry Cooperative Innovation
luo zuo ; tang yuan hu
Analytic Expression of Efficient Portfolio Set for Unncorrelative Securities and Its Fluctuation Analysis
zhang wei guo ; xie jian yong ; nie zan kan
A Regime-Switching Model of Interest Rates Based on the Level Models
xie chi ; wu xiong wei
The Consistence on Term Structure of Interest Rates
chen dian fa
Using Ecological Method to Control Insect Pests
yin chang min
Systematic Consideration on Global Warming
zhang qi ren