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Systems Engineering
2001 Issue 3
The Realization of Intelligent Integrated Evaluation Decision Support Systems
fu rong lin ; qin shou kang ; liang da hong
A Model and a Method for Evaluating the Quality of Statistical Data and Identifying Outliers from the Data
cheng bang wen ; shi lin fen ; yang hong jin
The Empirical Analysis on Exports Lead Hunan Economic Growth
liu ke li ; xu he lian ; lai ming yong
Study on Early Warning Methods of System Dynamics of River Basin Sustainable Development
wang hui min ; liu xin ren ; xu li zhong
A Method to Solve Job-shop Schedule Problems by Neural Network with Transient Chaos
wang xiu hong ; qiao qing li ; wang zheng ou
Cost Management under the Environment of the "New Economy"
liu tian xiong
Researches on Payoff Structure of Virtual Enterprise
wu xian hua
Further Analysis of the New Pricing Model-Accommodated Premium
zhang hong yan ; shao xue qing
The Asian Option & Some Investment/Consumption Problems
yang zhao jun
Application of Hurst Exponent in Analysis of Stock Market's Efficiency
ye zhong xing ; cao zuo jian
The Optimal Control of a Sort of One Decomposable Product Stochastic Diffusion Inventory System
zhang xiao hong ; huang hui ran ; pan de hui