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System Simulation Technology
2008 Issue 2
Particle Model with Accurate Mechanical Formulation in Cloth Simulation
ZHANG Dong;JIA Shiyu;WANG Liang
Research of the Motion Platform of 6-DOF Flight Simulator Based on ADAMS
LI Xingyang;LU Ying
Simulation for the Whole System of the Guided Aerial Bomb
LIU Jingwei;NAN Ying;WU Huanhuan;WANG Sicai
FPGA Implementation of A Blind Multiuser Detector
LIU Donghui;LI Yanping
A Hybrid Method for the Computation of Robot Manipualtor's Workspace
YE Weimin;CAO Yi;WEI Chouyuan;XIE Qiwu
A Study on Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Engine Model
YUE Jiguang;DONG Yanchao
A Swarm Intelligence Based Artificial Neural Networks Learning Algorithm
yan yong ; wang lei ; wu qi di
A LEACH Based Algorithm and Simulations for Wireless Sensor Networks
WANG Wanliang;CHEN Peijun;ZHENG Jianwei;REN Min
A Transferring Vertices Algorithm for Surface-facet Model
WANG Yu;YU Suping
Summary of Research on the NC Machining Simulation Technology
LI Yang;ZHAO Yongcheng;WEI Lan
Modeling of Fuel Cell Air Supply System and The Design of Simulation Interface Based on Matlab GUI
ZHANG Liyan;ZHANG Tianhe;HUANG Liang;QUAN Shuhai
Study on DBF for Multi-Beam at Uniform Subarray Level Based on Genetic Algorithms
JIANG Yusheng;ZHOU Xun;LIU Feng