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System Simulation Technology
2007 Issue 2
Mobile Technology in Modern City Management
Design of Network Video Monitoring System of Digital Communities
LIU Dianwen;DAI Yuxing
Research of the Motion Platform of 3-DOF Flight Simulator Based on ADAMS
LIU Libin;LU Ying;FAN Yu;LI Xingyang
Automatic CMOS Chip Die Bonder Control Technology Based on CPLD
CHI Yanli;ZHAO Huimin;ZHANG Huile
Design and Realization of Monitor and Control Base Station Software for MICRO-UAV
SI Bing;ZHOU Chuanzhong;YU Ge
Modeling Diffusion of Innovations with Cellular Automata
FANG Liang;GONG Xiaoguang;XIAO Renbin
Selection of Parameters in Robust Control Based on Genetic Algorithms
TAN Haihua;LIN Feng;HUANG Zhiqiang
Research on 3D Simulation Technique Used in Sailboat Motion
Research on Multiphase Traffic Signal Chaotic Control of Instauration Isolated Intersection
WU Yihu;YU Dan;HE Xia;GUO Wenlian