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Academic Research
2003 Issue 5
A Report on 'Sun Yat-Sen University's First Forum on Marx'
lin yu chuan
Equivalence Principles of Bilingual Dictionary Translation
zhang yi hua
Establishment of Aesthetic Patterns of Romance Stories
chen wen xin
Some Problems about Bai Juiyi's Poems
wang yun xi
The Change of Citizen Income and Educational Demand in Guangdong
yang ming ; liu yi ; zhao xi kang
A Book Review upon 'Leaving the Historical Strait'
ma zhong zhu
The Inner Cause for the Fall of the Hansa Union
zhao li xing ; wang li hong
Lu Rongting and the Southwest Union
tan qun yu
A New System of Investment Bank Study
he xiao feng ; huang zuo
Criticism upon Fetishism
yang hai feng
The Social Result of Internet Caused by Communication Revolution
wang nan ; liu yue di