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Academic Exploration
2003 Issue 3
Development and Utilization of the Religion Cultural Tourism Resource in Yunnan
xue qun hui ; deng yong jin
The Reflection of Luyao and His Writing to Chinese Contemporary Literature
xiong xiu yu ; zhang xiao feng
The Land Tax Reform of the Meiji Government of Japan
tang xiao li
China's Entry into WTO and the Development of ASEAN
wang yao qiong ; chen yue gang ; wang yue hua
A New Development of Relations between China and ASEAN and Its Influence
cao qi bao ; li xin ping
The Development of Constitutionalism in A Well-off Society
wei xiao jun
Logical Relationship Between Moral and Law
wu zuo
Heidegger's Views On Humanism and Aesthetics
ji yong sheng
On False Appearance
yao shun zeng
Conditions of Fully Building A Well-to-do Society
wang yu ; long gu yin