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Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
2004 Issue 1
A preliminary study on scent inheritance of cytoplasmic male sterile line Luxiang 90A in rice
jiang kai feng ; zheng jia kui ; zhao gan lin ; yang qian hua ; wan xian qi
Breeding and utilization of high combining ability,good out-crossing rate rice CMS line K17A with new cytoplasm
zhu yong chuan ; zheng jia kui ; wang wen ming ; wen hong can ; jiang kai feng ; yuan guo liang ; wan xian qi
Fertilizer application and quality security of farm products
zhou nan hua
Strategy for the agricultural development from the transition of dietary pattern
song yan ; lv xiao hua ; weng ling ling ; cao yang ; lei bo
Study on development of agricultural cooperation between Yunnan and ASEAN countries
li lu ; yuan zuo ; wang jia yin ; zhong li ; li xue lin
Research status and development strategy for rice pests and disease management technology
he zhong quan ; zhang zhi tao ; chen zhi yi
Characters and application of GC9,a SWCV of Japonica rice
liang yao zuo ; li kun ai ; lu gang ; li dan zuo
Studies on F1 seed production for Chuanyou 15 using genetic 3-lines
shi hua juan ; dong yun zuo
Gliadin polymorphism of wheat (Triticum aestivum) landraces from Tibet
dai shou fen ; zheng you liang ; yan ze hong ; wei yu ming ; liu deng cai ; lan xiu jin ; zhou yong hong
Inheritance of the character of triple-spikelets in a Tibetan triple-spikelet wheat (Triticum aestivum L.concv.Tripletum)
yang wu yun ; lu chun ming ; lu bao rong ; wang yu ; hu xiao rong ; yu yi ; zhang zuo
The characteristics and prospects of water-saving irrigation effects evaluation in China
zhang li ping ; zhu zhong zuo
Inheritance of photosynthesis and improvement on yield in crop
ren guang jun ; lu xian jun ; gao fang yuan ; zheng jia guo ; lv shi hua
Investigation and research of wild vegetables in Yunnan province
yang min jie ; gong ya ju ; zhang li qin ; qin rong ; zhang si zhu ; long hong jin ; liu fa wan ; li xi xiang ; shen di
A trial of callus and axillary bud induction of Camptotheca acuminata Decaisne in vitro
lin gui zuo ; sun yan xia ; zuo xiao yong ; yan wen zhao
Uses of self-incompatibility genes in Chinese radish
nikornpun m;m.putivoranat; zhong li
Transforming Brassica juncea Coss with cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
yang chao hui ; he feng tian ; song ming ; jiang yu ; peng jia he ; li rong fen ; huang gang
Analysis of genetic diversity of three genuses of Cucurbita by peroxidase isozyme
sun zheng hai ; li yue jian ; song ming ; yang wu yun ; fang chao ; liu xiao jun
Data mining for simple sequence repeats in GeneBank sequence of pear(Pyrus pyrifolia)
yi shao wen ; hu zhong rong ; chen wei ; gao zheng qing ; li kun ming
Identifying of pathogen and screening of resistance to bacterial wilt on tomato in Chongqing
yang zuo feng ; yin xian gui ; pan guang hui ; zhang zuo
Field investigation and serological detection of grapevine viruses in Sichuan province
liu xiao ;d.boscia;t.raimondi;m.broggio; chen jian ; li hong zuo ; wang jian hui ; liu jian jun
Effects of insecticides on parasitism of Diglyphus isaea
chen zong zuo ; zuo ai dong ; luo kai ; zuo sen
Studies on residue analysis and degradation of Deltamethrin in rice and rice bran
lin ming zhen ; lu zhi xin
Studies on occurrence and controlling technology of yellow dwarf virus and naked barely aphids
xu yun ; mu de wei ; mei hong ; lin li ; si hong bing ; tao zong ren ; shi xiao qun
Cloning and characterization analysis of insecticidal crystal protein gene cry1A from Bacillus thuringiensis
zhong wan fang ; cai ping zhong ; yan wen zhao ; pei yan
Effects of density on growth and yield of maize in Panxi region
yuan ji chao ; ke yong pei ; zhu qing sen ; duan bi kang ; yang shi min
Effective factors and improvement of head rice rate in Indica hybrid rice
li yun ; zuo yong shu ; zhang chang wei ; zhao gan lin