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Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
1999 Issue Z2
Construction of pseudorabies virus Fa strain with deletions of glycoprotein gI and gP63 genes
YAN Qi-gui;GUO Wan-zhu;YU Guang-kai;WANG Qin;LOU Gao-ming
Construction of pseudorabies virus genomic library and analysis of physical mapping
WANG Ming-shu;GUO Wan-zhu;LOU Gao-ming;FEI En-ge;XUAN Hua
Construction of sweet potato expression vectors based on sporamin gene promoters
CHEN Ke-gui;WANG Hai-yan;ZHANG Yi-zheng
A preliminary study on RAPD markers linked to sterile gene locus of GMS line 79.7 in Brassica napus
GAN Yan;ZENG Fan-ya;ZHAO Yun;ZHANG Yi-zheng
The effects of chromosome 1RS/1BL translocation on the agronomic characters of common wheat revealed by RFLP markers
WEI Yu-ming;ZHENG You-liang;ZHOU Yong-hong;LIU Deng-cai;LAN Xiu-jin;ZHOU Rong-hua;JIA Ji-zeng
Effect of ph1b gene on direct genetic transfer from Haynaldia villosa to triticum aestivum
YU Mao-qun;DENG Guang-bing;ZHANG Xiao-pin;MA Xin-rong;CHEN Jing
Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation in rice
WANG Shi-quan;LI Ping;LIU Rong-shan
DNA heterozygosity between major combinations of hybrid rice in Sichuan
HE Guang-hua;TANG Mei;PEI Yan;YANG Guang-wei;XIE Rong;YANG Zheng-lin;LI Yong-hong
Genetic analysis and mapping the shattering habit in rice (Oryza Sativa L.)
LI Shi-gui;MA YU-ging;HE Ping;LI Han-yun;CHEN Ying;ZHOU Kai-da;ZHU Li-huang
Gene analysis of late heading in an indica variety 8987
LI Shi-gui;TAN Xiang-hong;WANG Yu-ping;LIU Shi-gui;LI Han-yun;ZHOU Kai-da
Research advance in bioethanol conversion
LIU Zhong-qi
Application of molecular markers in crop breeding
WAN Hong;CAI Ping-zhong;HE Jun-yong;YAN Wen-zao
Plant transgenic technique and application in rice genetic improvement
GAO Fang-yuan;LU xian-jun;REN Guang-jun
The application of modern biological technology in rapeseed breeding
JIANG Liang-cai;WANG Rui;PU Xiao-bin;ZHANG Qin-xin;CHEN Fang
The new advance of Study on Sichuan apomixis rice
WANG Xu-dong;ZHOU Kai-da;Wu Xian-jun;YAN Zhi-bing
Exploring useful genes in Aegilops tausehii for modern commercial wheat improvement by biotechnology
YANG Wu-yun;YU Yi;Hu Xiao-rong;YANG Jia-xiu;YE Chi;YANG Jian-liang;ZHENG You-liang