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Journal of Southwest Forestry College
1994 Issue 1
shan guai zao shu de fen lei yu sheng tai di li te dian
Fan Guosheng(Forestry Department,Southwest Forestry College;KunminGg;650224)summary Poliothyrsis Oliv.only includes 1 species;and this is dividing one;but it is difficultto be seperated into more species or varieties.Its distribution is also discussed?
gui zhou shi yong jun
He Shaochang;Chen Chaobi;Zhang Lin Summary With complication and varieties in topography;an average altitude of 1000 metresover sea level;various vegetation;the average temperature of 15℃,t
kun ming xi shan lan zuo mu cai sheng tai jie po de yan jiu
Wang Changming;Zhang Xinying Summary This paper deals with an anatomical study on the secondary xylem of E;gtobulus L.grown on the south slope of West Hill in Kunming by means of light microscope(LH)and
gao li gong shan zi ran bao hu qu yao yong zhi wu kao cha
Shi Tiancai(Forestry Department;Southwest Forestry College,Kunming;650224)Xiong Rutai(Yunnan Art College,Kunming,650031)Summary Several specific characteristics of the medicinal plant resources in the middle ofsubtropical forest ecosystems in the G
zuo shu hong ye ku shao bing de cheng yin yu fang zhi yan jiu
Yang Pei;ZhaoHong(Forestry Bureau;Midu County;Yunnan;675600)summary In the lerge plantations of Eucalyptus globulus Lab.there have been outbreaks of theeucalyptus red leaf dieback on the young trees.The disease seriously threatens the treepreservation a
song shan bai de kang dong xing yan jiu
Chen Binglin(Forestry Department;Southwest Forestry College;Kunming,650224)Summary Pine,China fir and Cypress are sometimes frostbitten in different degrees in cold win-ters.In onler to explore the freezing resistance of pine;China fir and Cypress;stu
hua shan song you shu zi you shou fen zi dai miao qi ce ding
Research Group of Armand Pine Seed Orchard(Forestry Department;Southwest Forestry College;Kunming;650224)Summary Through field experiments progeny seedling test was conducted among 39 open-polli-nated plus trees of Pinus armandi.The results showed that
gao li gong shan zi ran bao hu qu zhen xi bao hu zhi wu
YinWuvuan(Forestry Department;Southwest Forestry College,Kunming;650224)Summary The gaoligongshan natural reserve is located in western Yunnan;at latitude 24°56’~26°09’north,longitude 98°34’~98°50’east.The total area is 1239 squarehilometer
tai guo de zi ran bao hu
bu deng gai liang jie chou yang he cha ping gu chang fang lv hua gong cheng de chu bu yan jiu
Zhang Fuquan;Wei Hangong;Li Yinggen(SilvicuItural Divsion of Yunnan Institute of Forest Investigation and planning,Kunming;650021)Summary It is the first time that a study on verifying and evaluating the project for affOrestationalong the upper and mid