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Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
2014 Issue 1
Song Dynasty's Bai-yong Poetry
LI Xiao-li;
The Aesthetic Thought of Su Shi's Calligraphy
LIU Yong-feng;,ZHANG Jin-hui;
Discussion on Several Folk Custom Words Wrongly Explained in Hanyu Da Cidian
CHENG Zhi-bing;,ZHAO Hong-mei;
Chinese Pejorative used as Commendatory Term in the New Period
YANG Cai-xian;
Procedure for the Collection of Common Electronic Evidences
LIU Xian-peng;,YANG Yu-xian;
The Concept, Aesthetics, Status Quo and Perspective of Mico-film
chen xi he ;, chen xu guang ;, gao li ;, hu zuo ;, li jian zuo ;, liu guang yu ;, sun zuo ;, yu ji ;, zhang gen ming ;
College Students' Belief Crisis in the Context of the Risk Society
XIA Qing-bo;,ZHANG Hong-gen;
Research on the Effect of Instructional Design based on Factor Analysis
NA Yi-sha;,YUAN Mei;,ZHANG Kai-qing;
Mystery Customer Survey in the Supervision of Higher Education Administration Efficiency
LI Li;,LIU Gui-hua;,SONG Xin;,WANG Shun-hong;
Construction of Academic Ethical System: An Analytical Framework
CHENG Xiao-liang;
Investigations on He Zhizhang's Social Intercourse