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Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)
2014 Issue 4
Influence of equipment excitation on flexible carbody vibration of EMU
Huailong Shi;,Jing Zeng;,Jinying Guo;,Pingbo Wu;,Ren Luo;
Composite indicator for railway infrastructure management
Christer Stenstro¨ m;,Diego Galar;,Matthias Asplund;,Stephen M. Famurewa;,Uday Kumar;
Impact of shield tunneling on adjacent spread foundation on sandy cobble strata
Chuan He;,Jun Wang;,Xiongyu Hu;,Yong Fang;
MD simulation on the interactions between CH2 groups and the (001) surface of tungsten
Fujun Gou;,Shuiquan Deng;,Shuping Tian;,Xianfu Feng;,Xinkui He;,Yong Zhao;
Structural model for the first wall W-based material in ITER project
Dehua Xu;,Shuiquan Deng;,Xinkui He;,Yong Zhao;