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Psychological Science
2008 Issue 1
A Study on the Mental Factors of College Students' BBS-using Behavior
Cui Lijuan;Liu Lin
A Review on the Placebo Effect
Zhang Ying;Huang Xiting
Stressors,Teaching Efficacy,and Burnout Among Secondary School Teachers
Li Zhihong;Ren Xuming;Lin Lin;Shi Kan
An R&D Report on the Non-technical Competency Quality Evaluation System for Chinese IT Employees
Jiao Can;Jin Yue;Wu Lei;Zhang Minqiang;Zhang Wenyi
The Effects of Cues on Physics Problem Representation
Hou Xinjie;Jiang Jinwei
Alpha Coefficient and Congeneric Test
Liu HongYun
The Development of a College Teachers' Professional Ethics' Inventory
Liao Fenglin;Chen Ning
The Necessity of Collecting Baseline Reaction Time in Priming Experiments
Dong Yanping;Yuan Yuan
The Effect of Different Distractors on Adults' Numerical Estimation
Xu Jihong;Si Jiwei
A Review of Developmental Research on Children of Parental Divorce
Lin Xunyi;Sang Biao
Problems and Solutions of Chinese Economic Psychology
Ma Shengxiang;Zhou Jinghui;Li Jiajian
Western Researches on Organizational Ethics Climate Structure
Yang Jiping;Li Bo
New Method of Parameter Estimation under the IRT Model-MCMC Algorithm
Tu Dongbo;Qi Shuqing;Cai Yan;Dai Haiqi;Ding Shuliang
Effects of Task Context and Evidence Information on the Bayesian Inference of Adolescents
Shi Zifu;Qiu Jiang;Zhang Qinglin
A Comparation between Chinese and American 15-year-old Students' Math Learning Characteristics
Huang Xinyin;Li Yuanqiao;Ye Renmin;Carla J Stevens
An Eye Movement Study on the Mechanism of Learning Time Allocation
Jia Ning;Bai Xuejun;Zang Chuanli;Yan Guoli
A Research on College Students' Outlook on Life
Yao Benxian;He Yuanqing
The Interaction of Visual and Haptic Judgement of Object Location
Luan Yifu;Qian Xiuying
A Study of the Visual Tracking of Compound Stimulus
Zhang Xuemin;Shu Hua;Li Yongna;Sun Chen;Zhang Guifang;Zhou Yibin;Bai Zhongqi
Aggressive Schoolboys' Social Information Processing and Perception of Emotional Faces
Yuan Qiaoyun;Huang Min'er
The Flanker Effect in Chinese Character Identification
Qiu Guifeng;Qiu Jiang;Liang Na;Zhang Qinglin
Teenage Athletes' Self-handicapping and Subsequent Performance in Competitive Sports
Sun Xiaoling;Qiu Fudong
Neuroplasticity Research and Its Educational Implications
Zhou Jiaxian;Dong Qi
The Developmental Orbit of Models of Strategy Choice and Their Comparison
Liu Dianzhi;Yang Huihui
A Review of Researches on the Dimensions and Measurement of Entrepreneurship
Meng Xiaobin;Wang Zhongming
A Psychological Study of Obedience in Psychology
Song Guandong;Yang Zhitian;Cui Miao
On the Cultural Nature of Psychology
Meng Weijie;Ge Lujia
The Implication of Oriental Cultures in Jung's Psychology
Zheng Rongshuang;Che Wenbo
The Fourth Component of the Working Memory Model-the Episodic Buffer
Lu Zhongyi;Du Jianzheng;Liu Xuehua
A Study on College Students' Self-confidence and Achievement Motive
Tao Xinhua;Wang Chunyang
Schoolpupils' Learning of the Operation Rules of Removing Brackets
Zhang Qi;Guo Feifei
An Experimental Study of Implicit Aggressiveness between Proffessional Athletes and College Students
Hao Xingchang;Tong Lijun;Yang Zhiliang;Gai Yongting
A Study on Implicit Altruistic Behavior
Jiang Da;Wang Xinrui;Fu Li;Zhou Renlai
An Experimental Study on the Relationship between Interference and Affective Priming
Chen Manqi;Fang Ping;Jiang Yuan
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Executive Function
Song Guoping;Zhan Kan;Miao Danmin;Huang Fuen
A Study on Implicit Mathematics Gender Stereotype by IAT
Ma Fang;Liang Ningjian
The Executive Levels of Two Types of Mathematics Learning Disabilities
Zuo Zhiong;Deng Ciping;Li Qiwei
Effects of Isolation in Judgment of Learning
Chen Gongxiang;Fu Xiaolan
A Study on Eye Movement in Inputting Chinese Character Materials of Different Cognitive Loads
Li Ning;Liang Ningjian;Lin Xiaoping
The Influence of the Members of CoP's Achievement Motivation on Knowledge Transmission
Shi Wendian;Luo Zhao;Yuan Xianxue
Effects of Self-regulated Learning Abilities on Network Dependence of Vocational College Students
Zeng Meiying;Yu Hongjun;Li Aiguo;Hou Boming
Effects of Fluency on Natural Category Retrieval
Chen Lin;Mo Lei;Li Guangyuan
Dissociation and Cooperation in Visuospatial Relations Judgment
Yan Bihua;You Xuqun;Tu Jinlu
A Comment on Liu Shao's Multiple Intelligence
Yan Guocai
A Microgenetic Study of Visual Self-recognition in Infancy
Yang Lizhu;Liu Ling