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Fire Science and Technology
2014 Issue 9
Research progress for the thermal response and safety prevention of LPG tanks under high temperature
XING Zhi-xiang;YANG Nai-jun;HAO Yong-mei;OU Hong-xiang;College of Environmental and Safety Engineering;Changzhou University;
Non-dimensional research on heat release rate of standard solid commodity
ZHANG Ying;LIU Xin;LI Yi;TIAN Li-wei;YU Dong-xing;Beijing General Brigade;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;
The fire and explosion hazard analysis of liquid ammonia tank in ammonia decomposition equipment
MO Xiu-zhong;SHI Ting-yu;DING Feng;WAN Yuan;ZHANG Miao;SONG Wen-hua;Tianjin Binhaixinqu Fire Detachment;Tianjin Institute of Surveying and Mapping;School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering;Tianjin Polytechnic University;
Temperature rises of square aluminium alloy tubular columns in fire
ZHENG Yong-qian;CHEN Zhi-bo;ZHANG Zheng;Fujian University of Technology;College of Civil Engineering;Fuzhou University;Sanming Fire Detachment;
Thermogravimetric analysis of lignocellulosic biomass of solid wood furniture in common use
YIN Fei;ZHU Guo-qing;Faculty of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Fire Engineering Institute;China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines;China University of Mining and Technology;
The compare of the components from combust emission of pinus massoniana litterfall
CHEN Ge-ping;ZHANG Si-yu;WANG Hong-gan;Nanjing Forest Police College;Fuzhou Foreign Languages School;
Flow field calculation and design research on wind simulation device of ship deck fire
ZHANG Guang-hui;PU Jin-yun;SU Xiao-bo;YANG Feng;Power Engineering College;Naval University of Engineering;
The investigation and analysis of evacuation crowd in large-scale commercial multifunctional buildings
LIU Shu-jin;ZHU Guo-qing;Faculty of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines;China University of Mining and Technology;Fire Research Institute;China University of Mining and Technology;
Protection measure of elevator evacuation in a high-rise fire
CHU Yan-yan;CHEN You-cheng;LIANG Dong;Safety Engineering Research Center;Department of Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Fire Science and Technology;
Study on the personnel evacuation behavior of an MTR carriage fire in a subway station
BAO Yan-qing;The Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces Academy;
Fire risk research of the underground compound garage
JIANG Li-chun;SONG Min-li;CHEN Jin-tian;School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering;South China University of Techonlogy;
The research on“short circuit”phenomenon of building outdoor smoke exhaust system
TANG Sheng-li;LU Guo-Jian;HU Zhong-ri;GAN Zi-qiong;Sichuan Fire Research Institute of MPS;
Performance-based analysis of comprehensive building which contains fire-protection evacuations
FENG Yao;ZHU Guo-qing;LIU Shu-jin;ZAN Wen-xin;Faculty of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines;China University of Mining and Technology;Fire research institute;China University of Mining and Technology;
Discussion on application of big passage in fire apartment of underground space
LI Shou-bin;Urumqi Fire Detachment;
mei guo xu yi zong huo huo zai shi jian fen xi
li yan yan ;
Fire safety of thin plastering exterior insulation system
ZHENG Hong-mei;XIE Da-yong;LI Jian-bo;Beijing General Fire Brigade;China Polyurethane Industry Association;
Fire resistance analysis of the combined member of the wall and the door sets
RAN Ling-xuan;ZHAO Hua-li;HUANG Wei;LI Xi-quan;WANG Yi-jie;HU Yuan;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;
Analysis on the fire design of a radio and television transmission tower
LIU Ming-liang;Zhengzhou Fire Detachment;
Experimental study on the actual delivered density of ESFR sprinkler
LI Yi;YU Dong-xing;HU Qun-ming;LIU Xin;WANG Jian-qiang;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;
ying guo fei qi wu huo zai shi gu
li yan yan ;
Investigation of ancient building complex fire water supply design
HUANG Ya-dong;WANG Bin;WANG Sheng-guang;JIANG Lei;Shaoxing Fire Detachment;Building Research & Design Institute of Zhejiang;
Analysis and experimental tests of the fixed fire extinguishing system of a bus cabin
FU Rong-sheng;ZHUANG Wei-rong;Xiamen Fire Detachment;
Test on the environmental conditions of wind turbine fire system
XU Da-jun;ZHANG Jin;PENG Yan-hua;MENG Lu;XIU Yi-wen;ZHANG Hai-feng;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;Beijing Vataboch Tech Co.;Ltd.;Hangzhou Wittank Hitech Co.;Ltd.;Beijing Goldwind Science &Creation Windpower Equipment Co.Ltd.;
Discussion on firefighters’ individual communication system
HAN Dan;Hangzhou Fire Detachment;
Study on image-type smoke detection technology
WANG Yuan-bin;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
The combustion performance effect of several additive flame retardant on the flexible polyurethane foam
LI Bo;Guangdong General Fire Brigade;
Vacuum pressure impregnation of Pinus Sylvestris var.Mongolica flame-retardant treated wood
WANG Shi-jin;GUO Chui-gen;WANG Feng-qiang;College of Science;Northeast Forestry University;Key Laboratory of Biobased Material Science and Technology;Northeast Forestry University;
Fire work is faced with opportunities and challenges in the age of big data
YU Wei;LI Hai-tao;ZHANG De-cheng;Fire Burean of the MPS;Shenyang Fire Research Institute of MPS;
Design of simulating system of harmful gas diffusion based on WebGIS
DING Yang;ZHANG Zheng-tao;LI Zhi-hong;College of Resource and Environmental Science;East China Normal University;Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science;Ministry of Education;East China Normal University;College of Territorial Resources and Tourism;Anhui Normal University;
Structure design of management information system for certified fire engineer
ZHANG Yu-xian;WANG Bao-wei;HAO Ai-ling;FENG Jing-yu;QIU Pei-fang;YAN Ji;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;Fire Bureau of MPS;Jiangsu General Fire Brigade;Shanghai General Fire Brigade;
ying guo xiao fang zhuan yong zi gei shi hu xi she bei
li yan yan ;
Fire inspection system of Japan and its inspiration to China
WANG Bao-wei;QIU Pei-fang;Fire Burean of the MPS;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;
Application of Benford’s law in the statistical supervision of fire
LIU Dong-hai;ZHAO Bu-kui;The Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces Academy;Tianjin Public Security Professional College;
Brief analysis on China’s fire companies credit rating
ZHAO Fu-sen;China Fire Protection Association;
The reason and solution of electrical fire hazard and solutions
TAN Shi-li;PENG Hao-ming;YANG Ling;Hunan General Fire Brigade;HuNan Linzoe Science and Technology Development Co.;Ltd.;
can zhang ren shi huo zai wei xian
li yan yan ;
Thought on improving the management mechanism of social fire safety
ZHAO Qing-ping;YANG Long-jun;Zhejiang General Fire Brigade;
Fire safety assessment of the electrical equipment area in a hydroelectric power station
CHEN Li-li;MA Kai;Xiamen Fire Detachment;
Research on the electric vehicle fire investigation
ZHANG De-sheng;ZHANG liang;CHEN Ke;LIU Zhen-gang;GAO Zhan-bin;Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS;Chengde Fire Detachment;
Fire investigation on a dead fire induced by electrical failure
DONG Hai-you;HE Liang;Police Training Base of Fire Bureau of MPS;Shaoxing Fire Detachment;
Investigation on a major accident at construction site
HAO Cun-ji;Xi’an Fire Detachment;
Fire investigation on a furniture factory fire
XIE Xue-zhou;HAN Qiang;Anyang Fire Detachment;