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Fire Science and Technology
2009 Issue 5
Construction and development of contract fire force
LIU Jian-guo;WU Lin
Making of fire protection emergency plan of crowded place
JIANG Ming-li;SU Dan;KAN Qiang;LIU Ting-quan
Measures in emergency rescue of subway collapse accident
ZHENG Tian-feng
Performance-based fire protection design of an atrium of in shopping square
ZHAO Yi;GUO Zeng-hui
Numerical reconstruction of a building fire and smoke hazard evaluation
NIU Bao-zhu;QIU Rong;JIANG Yong;JIANG Peng
Research on deposition law of smoke on surface of different material
LIANG Guo-fu;TIAN Liang;ZHAO Li-zeng;LU Zhi-bao;TIAN Gui-hua;DENG Zhen-yu;FAN Zi-lin
Thought about enhance the training of fire force
LI Han-qi;TAO Qi-gang;WANG Mou-gang
Analysis and research on timeliness of first force in fire fighting and rescue in city
ZHOU Zhi-jun;YANG Jun;LI Chun-xiao
Study on the extinguishment of class F fires
LU Ling-quan
Fighting fires with dry powder agents
LIU Hui-min;ZHUANG Shuang;LI Shu;YIN Wei
Research on the fire-fighting system of the large floating roof tanks
LANG Xu-qing;LIU Quan-zhen;GONG Hong
Design of water supply for fire system of skyscraper
Measures for constructing fire water supply facility
QI Zu-xing
Analysis of fire protection project in gas-steam combined cycle power plant
YOU Su-zhen;SHI Xiao-jun