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Modern Enterprise Education
2003 Issue 1
Cherish the dream
jin tao
zhi shi guan li : qi ye guan li de xin ke ti
sun li pai
The five soft ribs of the Chinese entrepreneur
zhang rui
ru he zhao dao zhen zheng pei xun xu qiu
han jin chen
qi ye liu zhu ren cai " wu bu qu "
wang yue jun
mian shi zhong de jing dian wen ti
xiao xue
ru he shi ying xin dan wei gong zuo
wang xue
na zhong xue xi fang shi shi he ni ?
dong jing jing
qi ye wen hua ti sheng guan li xiao neng
shi jian zhong
you tian qi ye wen hua jian she de si kao yu dui ce
meng ling ying ; guo mei fang
Success of game teaching is tried
Wu weijun
Assess the basic standard of classroom instruction
Deng xuelong
Enterprises only serve some people
shu feng
The entrepreneur needs to hold the card on duty too
Lv yifeng;Caozhe
du ju te se de ta si ka cu xiao zhi dao
jing zuo
New industrialization: brand-new development path
Jiao xiaojuan
xin xing gong ye hua guan jian yao kao ke ji jin bu
zhong chuang
zhong guo qi ye ji shu chuang xin de fang xiang
sun yun yu ; liu rui feng ; li feng
Study the survey of the logistics industry
Chang shaorong;HAN Xuemei
The strength person of the cavalry sends the secret weapon
Yang quipping;Wang chunsheng
yu shi ju jin chuang jian ju you zi shen te se de xue xi xing qi ye
niu qing guo ; zhao guang zhong ; gao ying min
Strategic trilogy of training
Lin aihua
TCL training: Pursue high satisfaction
ZHOU Huiquan;Liu guiyan
gao hao zhi gong pei xun ti sheng yuan gong su zhi
li xu dong
qian yi zhong shen jiao yu ji qi ti xi
li xin sheng