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Journal of Xichang College(Natural Science Edition)
2011 Issue 3
A Study on Changes of Maternal Antibody Level of New Castle Disease of Chicken and Influence on Immunization
li jian ; peng yan ling ; yu qiong ; chen guang fen ; du ning ; ye zuo
Chemical Control Trials ofAnomala Corpulenta Larvae in Pomegranate
he ping ; yu shuang ; wang you fu ; chen jian xiong ; liu da zhang
Research on Selection of High School Board-shoe Racing Athletes
liu qi kun ; zhu bing ; liu fang tao ; yang cong jun
Growth Tests of Three Initial Feeds on Rainbow Trout
xu da yong ; mao chang meng
Ajax Based Dynamic Loading JavaScript File Model
xiong hai dong ; chen ya jun ; pan gang
Analysis of the Ninth Beidou Navigation Satellite Launch Day Severe Convective Weather Nowcasting Meteorological Support
jiang xiao hua ; dang jian tao ; wang zheng lin ; pei jun lin ; liu wei
Manufacture on Fine Dried Noodles of Buckwheat
gong fa yong ; xiao shi ming ; zhang zhong
Analysis on the Current Status and the Reason of Growth and Decline of Agricultural Biological Resources in Leibo County
zuo dong ming ; cai guang ze ; wang an hu ; hua jin song ; xie jia rong ; chen ying
Discussion on Rescue and Protection of Conventional Sports Study for Yi Nationality
li xing hua ; zhang bo ; han yong
Study on Lightning Protection for 500 kV Transmission Line in High Altitude Area
zhao yong zhen ; huang min
Study on the Integration of Sepak Takraw and College Sports Culture
li lin feng ; yang wen sheng ; wang cheng ke
Discussing the Rhythm Training of Rock Climbing Athletes
wang le ; wang hao
On the Demands and Ways of Archive Service
long xiao qin
Thermal Error Measuring and Modeling of Large Machine Tool
zhang zuo
Environmental Problems and Preventive and Control Measures of Large-scale Farms
dong ji zuo ; zhu hui ; ni xue qin
The Construction and Practice about the Project and Hierarchy of Extracurricular Teaching System in Computer Major
chen zong rong ; dong jia qiang ; yue fu qiang
Application of Several Yield Analytical Methods on Kidney Bean' s Multi-Location Test
li pei ; hua jin song ; wang qing hai ; li zuo ming ; ding lei