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Cell Research
2005 Issue Z1
Snapshot of HIV pathogenesis in China
Nitin K SAKSENA1;*;Bin WANG1;Megan STEAIN1 Rong Ge YANG2;Lin Qi ZHANG3;4;5 1Retroviral Genetics Division;Centre for Virus Research;Westmead Millennium Institute;The University of Sydney;Westmead NSW 2145 Sydney;Australia 2AIDS and HIV Research Group;Wuhan Institute of Virology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430071;China 3Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center;The Rockefeller University;New York;NY 10021;USA 4Modern Virology Research Center and AIDS Center;State Key Laboratory of Virology;College of Life Sciences;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;China 5The AIDS Research Center;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;Peking Union Medical School;Beijing 100730;China
Governmental policies on HIV infection in China
Jie SHEN1;*;Dong Bao YU2;* 1Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;China 2Division of Policy Study and Information;National Center for AIDS Prevention and Control;China
MSM and HIV/AIDS in China
Bei Chuan ZHANG 1;*;Quan Sheng CHU 2 1Sex Health Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical College Qingdao University;Qingdao 266012;China 2Qingdao Center for Diseases Control & Prevention;Qingdao 266033;China
siRNA, miRNA and HIV: promises and challenges
Man Lung YEUNG1;Yamina BENNASSER1;Shu Yun LE2;Kuan Teh JEANG1;* 1Molecular Virology Section;Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology;National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases;National Institutes of Health Bethesda;Maryland 20892-0460;USA 2Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program NCI Center for Cancer Research;NCI;National Institutes of Health;Fredrick;MD 21702;USA
Injection drug use and HIV/AIDS transmission in China
Tian Xin CHU1;*;Judith A LEVY2 1Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control;16 Hepingli Middle Street;Beijing 100013;China 2University of Illinois at Chicago;School of Public Health;1603 West Taylor St.;Chicago;IL 60612 USA
Global human genetics of HIV-1 infection and China
Tuo Fu ZHU 1-3;;Tie Jian FENG 4;Xin XIAO5;Hui WANG6;Bo Ping ZHOU6 1Departments of Laboratory Medicine;University of Washington School of Medicine;Seattle;WA 98195-8070;USA 2Departments of Microbiology;University of Washington School of Medicine;Seattle;WA 98195-8070;USA 3Programs in Infectious Diseases;Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center;Seattle;WA 98195-8070;USA 4Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Shenzhen;China;5Jinan University;Guangzhou;China 6Shenzhen Municipal Hospital of Infectious Diseases;Shenzhen;China.
Commentary on “Prevalence and evolution of drug resistance HIV-1 vari-ants in Henan, China”
Bruce L GILLIAM1;;Robert R REDFIELD1;2;Richard Y ZHAO1;3;Robert C GALLO1;2 1Institute of Human Virology;University of Maryland;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA 2Department of Microbiology-Immunology;University of Maryland School of Medicine;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA 3Department of Pathology;University of Maryland School of Medicine;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA
International non-governmental actors in HIV/AIDS prevention in China
Feng Shi WU* Department of Government and Public Administration;Chinese University of Hong Kong;Shatin;N.T.;Hong Kong SAR;China
UN system efforts to support the response to AIDS in China
Jing Lin HE*;Joel REHNSTROM UNAIDS China;1-162;Tayuan Diplomatic Office Building;14 Liangmahe Nanlu;Beijing 100600;China
Approaches to antiretroviral therapy in China
Bruce L GILLIAM*;Robert R REDFIELD Division of Clinical Care and Research;Institute of Human Virology;University of Maryland;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA
High risk populations and HIV-1 infection in China
Tuo Fu ZHU1-3;*;Chun Hui WANG1;Peng LIN4;Na HE5 1Departments of Laboratory Medicine;2Departments of Microbiology;University of Washington School of Medicine;Seattle;WA 98109;USA 3Programs in Infectious Diseases;Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center;Seattle;WA 98195-8070;USA 4Guangdong Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Guangzhou 510300;China 5School of Public Health;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China
Commentary Remarks on “HIV/AIDS in China”
Yi ZENG Institute of Virology;Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine;100 Yingxin Street;Xuanwu District;Beijing 100052;China
The HIV epidemic in China: history, response, and challenge
Na HE1;Roger DETELS2 1Department of Epidemiology;Fudan University School of Public Health;Shanghai 200032;China 2Department of Epidemiology;UCLA School of Public Health;Los Angeles;CA 90095-1772;USA
Current progress of China’s free ART program
Fu Jie ZHANG*;Jennifer PAN;Lan YU;Yi WEN;Yan ZHAO Division of Treatment and Care;National Center for STD/AIDS Prevention and Control;Chinese Center for Disease Preven- tion and Control;Beijing 100050;China
Cell Research CONTENTS OF VOLUME 15,2005
International NeuroAIDS: prospects of HIV-1 associated neurological com-plications
J Roberto TRUJILLO1;*;Gilberto JARAMILLO-RANGEL1;Marta ORTEGA-MARTINEZ1;Augusto C PENALVA de OLIVEIRA2;3;Jose E VIDAL2;Joseph BRYANT1;Robert C GALLO1 1Institute of Human Virology;University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute;725 W Lombard Street;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA 2Institute of Infectious Diseases Emilio Ribas;Sao Paulo 01246;Brazil 3Clinical Research Unit in Human Retrovirology;University of Campinas;Sao Paulo 01246;Brazil.
Commentary Remarks on “HIV/AIDS in China”
Robert C GALLO Institute of Human Virology;University of Maryland Baltimore;725 W. Lombard Street Suite S307;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA
AIDS and associated malignancies
Charles WOOD1;*;William HARRINGTON Jr2 1Nebraska Center for Virology & School of Biological Sciences;University of Nebraska;Lincoln;NE 68588;USA 2Sylvester Cancer Center;University of Miami;Miami;FL 33136;USA
Care of HIV-infected patients in China
Yun Zhen CAO 1;*;Hong Zhou LU 2 1The AIDS Research Center;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College;Beijing 100730;China 2Department of Infectious Diseases;Shanghai/FuDan Public Health Center & Huashan Hospital;Fudan University;Shang- hai 201508;China
Chinese NGOs in action against HIV/AIDS
Hua XU 1;*;Yi ZENG 1;2;Allen F ANDERSON3 1The US-China AIDS Alliance Foundation;Beijing100029;China 2 Institute of Virology;Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine;Beijing 100052;China 3School of Public and Environmental Affairs;Indiana University;Bloomington;Indiana 47405-1701;USA
Roles of HIV-1 auxiliary proteins in viral pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions
Lin LI1;5;Hai Shan LI3;6;C. David PAUZA1-3;Michael BUKRINSKY4;Richard Y ZHAO1-3;* 1Department of Pathology;2Department of Microbiology-Immunology;3Institute of Human Virology;University of Maryland;Baltimore;MD 21201;USA 4Department of Microbiology;Immunology and Tropic Medicine;George Washington University;Washington;DC 20037;USA 5AIDS Research Department;Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology;Bejing 100071;China 6National Center for AIDS;China Centers for Disease Control;Beijing 100050;China
Update on the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of HIV infection
Niel T CONSTANTINE1;3;William KABAT4;Richard Y ZHAO1-3;* 1Department of Pathology;2Department of Microbiology and Immunology;University of Maryland School of Medicine;Baltimore;MD 21201-1192;USA 3Institute of Human Virology;Baltimore;MD 21201-1192;USA 4Children’s Memorial Hospital;Chicago;IL 60614-3363;USA
Prevalence and evolution of drug resistance HIV-1 variants in Henan, China
Jing Yun LI1;;Han Ping LI1;Lin LI1;Hong LI2;Zhe WANG2;Kun YANG1;Zuo Yi BAO1;Dao Min ZHUANG1;Si Yang LIU1;Yong Jian LIU1;Hui XING3;Yi Ming SHAO3 1AIDS Research Department;Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology;Academy of Military Medical Science;Beijing 100071;China 2Center of Disease Prevention and Control;Henan Province;China 3National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention;China CDC;Beijing;China
Effects of drug relief hospital-based AIDS educational methods on drug users
Xiang Ping LI1;Shun Zhen XIAO1;*;Qiao Qin WAN1;Sen Lin SONG2;Yan Xia TENG2 1School of Nursing;Peking University;Beijing 100083;China 2Department of Psychiatry;DaXing Hospital;Beijing Drug Abuse Treatment Center;Beijing 102600;China
An editorial overview: HIV/AIDS in China
Richard Y ZHAO University of Maryland School of Medicine;10 South Pine Street;MSTF 700A;Baltimore;Maryland 21201;USA