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Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
2004 Issue 12
2004 nian di 1-12 qi zong mu lu
Displacement in J.Alfred Prufrock's World
zhu li tian
Reason in Constructive Translatology
lv jun
On E.E.Cummings's Experiametal Poetry
zhang shu zuo ; leng hui ling
The Application of Discourse Analysis in the Reading Comprehension of TEM8
duan yun li ; kong xiang yong
Correction Thinking in Discourse Teaching
liu gang
Indirect Directives:A Prototypical Perspective
zhou qi qiang ; bai jie hong
Language Learning Strategies and Cognitive Learning Styles
chen hui jun ; ru ke ye mu han mo de
A Study of PETS Oral Testees' Communication Strategies
xiao de fa ; xiang ping