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Foreign Languages Research
2004 Issue 1
Corpus-based Investigation into Communication Strategies in CET- SET
he lian zhen ; liu rong jun
On "Ideological State Apparatus" in Native Son
xue yu feng
ying wen zhai yao
Fundamental Method for the Construction of Translatology
huang zhen ding
A Syntactic-semantic Study of Russian Gerunds
yu zuo
Copying Phenomena and Variation in Headlines
liu guang zhun
On Declarative Mode of Japanese Topic-comment Sentence
wang shi rong ; li nan zheng
Code-switching and Social Rules
du hui
A Contrastive Study of"~ないで"、"~なくて"、"~ずに"
ma an dong ; xu wei jie
A Pragmatic-cognitive Account of Epanadiplosis in English
chen xin ren